Monday, April 4, 2011

Scenes from Saturday

Saturday's weather was unpredictable and ever changing.  One minute it was sunny and warm; the next, thunderclouds were rolling in.

(I once had a pony named Thundercloud.  Thunder for short.  She was every bit as feisty and ornery and full of personality as her name suggested. I miss her stubborn self black and white mane and the way she smelled.  Horses and ponies have good smells.  Not something you'd necessarily bottle up and spray around your house, but definitely a good, earthy, wonderful smell.)

Although we scarcely avoided a bad storm, we did receive showers, high winds, and some most unusual sky scenes.  All these, taken from my back yard glancing east towards the mouth of Queens Creek, were taken within an hour or two of each other.

Watching the sky change was my Saturday evening entertainment.

It just kept getting better and better.

Then, just as the sun was setting behind me, the sky pulled out all the stops and gave a Grand Finale.

God, I love living here.


  1. Another fan from the Blog Cabin group: God, I love that you are living there, too ! Thank you for sharing those Saturday evening photos. That final shot was rapturous enough to make me hear music---wow.

  2. Anonymous - Thanks for reading and commenting, I truly appreciate it.

    I have a few more photos from that evening that I'll share tomorrow. Mother Nature really put on quite the show.

  3. I would love to live there. Can't wait to be there this weekend! I had a horse named TImbuckstoo, he was a racehorse and he was ornery. And yes, horse smells are grand, unless you're mucking out the stall, then it just stinks. That's what I have to look forward to when I get home from work.

  4. Thank you for sharing the dramatic sky changes! I think you had a splendid Saturday taking these gorgeous photos

  5. Breathtaking photos. I love how moody the sky can be!

  6. I'll be living there, it might takes us a few years, but we'll get there...

    I have to say CBW that is some lovely back yard you have there...

    now it is time to pay some bills

    wv:ashiest: what I call a person who does not think there is a God!!

  7. I can hear the chorus of Angels singing when I look at the Grand Finale shot.

  8. OMG . what glorious light .. all of these, every one is a winner deserving of being framed and or on a card to be sold .. we need to do this .. for real


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