Friday, May 20, 2011


Once again I'm sharing some unedited shots of the skies over Queens Creek. 

I'd say these were shots of the sky over Queens Creek but with all the multiple personalities and ever changing moods displayed, skies seems like a more appropriate word.  

All of these were taken over the past week.

These last several were from early in the morning, as I was getting ready to leave for the hour-long journey to work.

Thankfully I don't have to worry about that drive again until Monday morning.

And for that one small reason alone (rest assured there are plenty more where that came from), I absolutely adore weekends. 

Hope yours is fabulous.

Would love to hear what you're up to. 

I'll be working on the book and *possibly* running a 5K Saturday night at Williams Wharf.


  1. I'll be doing someone's hair for prom (a friend of Big Sis') and trying to finish preparing for the Brat Child's birthday party tomorrow which I'd like to point out coincides with the supposed Rapture/Judgement Day a coinky-dink? I think not.

    WV: wasups- WASUPS??!!!

  2. What's that bright shiny thing there? We haven't seen such a thing here in Connecticut....

  3. I think your sky is in peri-menopause. It's the only explanation for the multiple moods.

  4. @Caution - I totally GET that!!

    Can't wait to see our new patio furniture - delivery this afternoon. I'd been even happier if we'd been able to power wash the patio, but the dang power washer blew a gasket or something. Part's on the way and a friend is fixing it - he knows we cannot be trusted to fix mechanical thingies.

  5. That sky certainly does have multiple personalities, doesn't it? Love the sunrise pictures. Beautiful!

    Good luck on that 5K.

  6. Gorgeous skies! I love the first two photos, though, because they look so summery.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. Oh sun, I think that's the sun .. we've not seen it up here in over a week .. I think a magic wand was waved over NewYawk and somehow it turned into Seattle .. growing gills here...

  8. I started to write a bunch of crap that's on my mind and then realized this isn't three thing thursday...I missed it.

    Great pics! Wish me and Max (my dog) could be there. He's not doing so well.... I am heartbroken. More than I will ever be about a human man.

    -Middle Sis

  9. I've heard through a good source that the sun might be out this weekend. Woot!

    Nothing much planned here other than housekeeping chores, and working outside.

  10. I love your sky photos, but then again I love the way the sky can morf into so many different looks.


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