Sunday, June 12, 2011


Here are a few photos of a recent sunrise on Queens Creek.

Friday and Saturday I worked a total of 18 hours on the side job known as I have absolutely no life the book.

In other news I had a major cardiac event, my laptop is showing signs that it may die on me.

When I say "my laptop" what I really mean is the laptop a friend loaned me since all I own is a very old PC. This is the same laptop on which every single photo for the book is located.

Let's just say it's been a time goin' on around here.

Hope your Sunday is very relaxing and free from unexpected nightmares cardiac events challenges.


  1. Oh gosh, go and run and get a flash drive if you didn't already!!! copy everything onto that...

    saying a prayer for you right now...

    everything is going to fall into place...

  2. Thanks, Maria. Headed to Walmutant in the neighboring county today to stock up on flash drives. Nobody in Mathews sells them, a least not that I know of.

    I hope you're right about things falling into place. I have to ship this thing off by the end of this week.

  3. What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack????

  4. Go get an external hard drive for your photos. It could be what's making your laptop so slow, too.
    I bought mine several years ago at Staples for about a hundred bucks.

    Go now.

    Oh, I see you're heading to get flash drives. I prefer the external hard drive, though ~

  5. Yes, yes, yes, flash drives are small and hold a whole lot!
    External hard drive is a good idea, too, harder to lose than a flash drive.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. I'm with you Kate, however, flash drives require no installation and very little computer knowledge... we are talking about CBW ;)

    Hope everything turns out ok! Thanks for the photos, they are so calming, and I need calming right now because stuff just keeps hitting the fan here.

  7. Oh my! You have to take time to take a deep breath once in a while. And, a glass of wine.

    Love the photos.

  8. Yes... EXTERNAL STORAGE! Pronto!

    WV: It's apiti CBW has to go the whole way to the Walmutant to purchase an external storage device.


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