Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gull Friends

These gregarious gulls and assorted birds were congregated down Aarons Beach not long ago.

They were engaged in some lively conversations and seemed to be having a very good time.

The gull  girl in the crab hat below is someone I've had more than a few lively conversations with, and we've definitely had our fair share of good times.

Although we're both from Mathews, she and I didn't really know each other well until we connected via blogging several years ago.

She would chime in and gladly filled in those pesky little gaps with much-needed facts or details in my stories about living and growing up in Mathews.

I learned a lot from her and she learned at least one thing from me:  how to wear a crab hat without embarrassment  with confidence and finesse.

She's moving out of the county on Saturday, and I'll definitely miss her.  Sure, she'll be instantly accessible on Facebook or e-mail, and she'll still appear in the comments section to help correct my erroneous statements with my failing memory.

But I'll still miss her and that spunky, sparky, no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is personality.

Good luck with the move this weekend, Ann Marie.  You're headed for a place where you'll thrive and prosper.  But if you ever get lonely for home, you always have a place to stay here in Mathews.


  1. Hey that is ME!!!!! you made me cry.. no fair!

  2. can we where crab hats on the beach? and will you come visit us!

    I'm soooooo happy you're moving closer to me!

  3. mazel tov on the move, Re ... and CBW those gull shots are super!

  4. Awwwww....can't believe YOU are leaving Re! But I know you are going where your heart is leading you, so that can't be a bad thing! I never see you in person anyway (lol) so in some ways, it won't be any different. Just make sure you don't forget us on FB and all will be well! Safe travels my friend, enjoy your sea change with all your soul!

  5. All the best to you, Re! Expect some visitors; you are moving to one of my favorite places on this earth.

  6. CBW, don't jump . Kids get older very fast.

    From my personal experience , Key West is a suitable place to reset one's brain.


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