Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hurricane Irene, Part Two

Tabernacle Road, Post-Hurricane

Here, thanks to a quasi-cooperative laptop that allowed me to upload pictures, are a few more shots from Hurricane Irene.

Thanks, Laptop.  I'll resist the urge to toss you in the creek for at least one more day.

These photos are from my post-hurricane, pre-power-reinstated jaunt last Sunday.

Thinking I might like to take a trip to the beach, I headed down Tabernacle Road only to be met with a very familiar sight: water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink flooded roads.

Still, the flooding wasn't nearly as bad as other storms we've endured.

After I had power enough to charge my cell phone battery, I texted my high school classmate Johnny Pugh who lives down Bavon, which after so much as a good thunderstorm can be underwater--for weeks days:

CBW:  "Do I need to send Coast Guard search and rescue to Bavon or are you OK down there?"

Johnny Pugh:  (crickets) No response.

CBW:  Figured he had no power.  Or that he couldn't receive texts while donning that pesky emergency scuba gear. 

Next day, Johnny Pugh called to report that all was fine down there at the other end of the county unless you count having to use a sump pump in your yard just to get in your driveway not fine, and less hearty types just might.

Below are some shots from the Court House area.  Since nobody only one person from this country Mathews reads this blog, I should explain that our downtown area is known as the Court House.

Some of the Court House establishments had really prepared.

With all due respect, this will always be Foster's Department Store vs. the Halcyon building.
Some of us staunchly resist struggle with the concept of change.
But we're not talking about that.
We're admiring the hurricane adornments and admonitions.

Richardson's had sandbags to block what is normally a flood through  the main drag.
Check out the new sidewalk seating defined by that  recently constructed black fence.
Oh, and there's a puddle of water there in the foreground. 

Best Value, my favoritest grocery store, parked a trailer out front to protect their Shurfine products windows.
(Favoritest is so a word.)

This is Ridgefield Road, where I usually go jogging.
(Usually = Sometimes, maybe twice a  month once a week.)
Lots of leaves and brush on the ground, but no trees down.

Click here for this week's Gazette Journal which has way more factual more information on last weekend's storm.

p.s. Welcome to September.


  1. Favoritest is a word if you know how to use it, which is rarely, otherwise it loses its impact.
    Glad to see no disaster photos. Whew.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. that truck served a dual purpose.. they had I think they stored the cold stuff in it..

  3. I often have wondered about that grocery store, now I know. Gotta pay it a visit.

  4. ...I am so relieved to hear that you all are okay! I had read on FB that you had survived and thought I'd come here and see your photos - great job on the Hurricane Irene reporting too btw. Move over Brian Williams! ;o)

    ...Yeppers, "favoritest" is so a word. I read that it is used specifically in Yemen, Eastern China, mid Missouri, oh, and Mathews County, Virginia.

    ...I for one think the outdoor seating idea at Richardson's is a fine idea with the exception of the pole in the middle of the remainder of said sidewalk where one, who isn't paying attention (i.e. Me), would walk directly in to. *giggle*snort* :o)

    ...I hope you & your family are getting some much needed rest this week CBW. Didn't someone say it is National Nap Week? I believe so. ;o)

    ...Enjoy your day!

    ...Blessings :o)

  5. to the guy who parked the trailer in there...sweet!!! good job pal...

    CBW I love your pictures, they are my favoritest...

  6. Can't wait to head down there to see the beaches and how they were affected. Saw the pics from Aaron's beach where the new "channel" cuts the beach in two. Wondering what damage Haven Beach encountered.

  7. Glad the flat-top let you post photos .. and my favoritest photos are the ones you caption.

  8. I live in Mathews County....and I read this blog. Are you going to post meet results and photos on the Mathews High School Cross Country blog this season?....hope so.

  9. BayBrowder - If I can clone myself, I plan to update the blog relating to MHS Cross Country. I still owe a few shots from last year's end of the year banquet. Right now, between the commute, work, school starting, two sports schedules in two different counties, a book that's still not finished, failing technology, taking/uploading photos for this blog, and answering the emails that have come in since the hurricane, I barely have an hour to sleep every night, but I'll do the best I can. My intention is to update it, although it may not be as often as I was doing last year. Their first meet is next week! I can't believe it. The time has just flown by.

    KAY-The only disaster is my laundry pile, but otherwise things are good.

    AM-Makes sense to me. Smart move.

    Bethie-The reasons I like Best Value are as follows: local (and often much less expensive) produce. Better meats. Overall cheaper prices, although it all depends on what you're after (some things are higher but you just get them somewhere else). Food Lion serves a purpose, certainly, and offers many things that BV doesn't. But perhaps what I like most of all about BV is I can go in and out in a hurry because there aren't so many selections and decisions to make. I cannot make decisions and struggle when there are 52 types of shampoo or dog food or trash bags, for example.

    tj - Love those Missourians...they know how to speak my language. And now, to honor National Nap Week...

    Maria - Thank you, my soon to be new, favoritest Vietnamese-spring-roll-making neighbor.

    DJ - Aaron's is not that bad. Really. Was down there today. That channel has been cut before (it was originally an intentional channel for boats, etc. to gain access to the water closer inland, if memory serves me) during nor'easters. The actual beach has been pushed back a bit, but in my opinion it's not that bad. Drove down Haven but road was too flooded for my Saturn to handle.

    Daryl - Thank you for tolerating my silly captions...

  10. Yes it will always be Foster's Department Store to me too!!!

    I remember when the doors were receased and there was a four sided glass display area in front of the front doors you walked around to get to the doors. The front of that area was even with the front windows to the store. A lot of southern stores were that way back in my youth. Usually each town had at least one like that. Then they modernized the front...lost it's charm I thought even as a kid.

  11. Welcome indeed. Thanks for the update on your part of the world.


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