Monday, September 19, 2011


Last Friday was a beautiful, fall-like day here in Mathews.  A Thursday evening thunderstorm gave way to cool, crisp, sunny weather.

On Saturday, when Chesapeake Bay Son had to run in a cross country invitational meet which meant being outside all day long, it rained.

And rained.

And rained.

Yesterday it rained and rained and rained some more.

My mood as I write this mirrors the weather of the past two days:  foul, grumpy cold and cloudy.  All I want to do is sleep but there's no time for that today since is Monday which means I'm even more foul than usual back to work and the start of a very long, very busy week which includes two soccer games and two cross country meets (one of which is on Saturday--hopefully not in the rain).

To force myself to be a little more cheerful, I thought I'd post these pictures of bright yellow wildflowers which are growing all over the place now, particularly on the side of the roadways and along the edges of the soybean fields.

Here's hoping the week is as bright and cheerful as these flowers.


  1. Very bright, sunny, happy flowers. I hope they keep you going this week.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. I hope so too CBW. Gosh, more rain, as if you haven't had enough. All the best for the rest of the week. I am sure it will be as beautiful as the wildflowers.

  3. Pretty flowers!
    grumble: grumble: It's Monday.

    Supposed to start raining here today and rain all week...guess I'll sew and get three rooms ready to paint.

    Hope the rest of your week is bright and sunny and brightens your mood!

  4. Think about Oct 8 and how the sun will be shining on you and us NY/CT/maybe dare I hope MD Blisters!

  5. It was a beautiful weekend in Virginia!


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