Friday, November 11, 2011


Sunrise on Queens Creek

These were taken as I was getting ready for work one recent morning.

Although there wasn't much light yet, these are still darker than they ought to be.

That's because there's a problem with my most prized possession, the one thing that consistently brings me joy, my buddy, my pal, my comrade, my best friend, my steadfast companion my beloved camera.

Alas, although I can still take pictures, and occasionally they come out OK, I learned yesterday (after spending some time on the Canon website) that there's a problem which requires me to send the camera in for repair or drive ten thousand many, many miles to the nearest repair shop.

I will probably drive it to a repair shop, except with everything going on, that likely won't happen for a couple of weeks.

So, unless a miracle happens, you can probably expect some recycled photos here starting next week.

Excuse me while I burst into tears do my best to forget all about the fact that I am supposed to take pictures at the state cross country meet this weekend.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Oh dear, a sick camera is not good. Even with it being ill, it is still taking breathtaking photos.
    Hoping the Cross Country team wins it all!

  2. I'm sorry I never comment anymore... Google Reader makes it too easy to just jump to the next blog. Anyway, Black Friday is in two weeks. Wait until then and buy a new one. I am willing to bet it will cost the same as the gas you spend getting across the river and paying for the repair.

  3. If you can view these images when you wake up is good.

    I hope your camera is repaired soon.

  4. While the photos may not have turned out as you hoped, I loved the effect of silhouetting tree branches in front of the blazing sky.( Maybe the sky you saw was brighter or more blazey ?)
    Hopefully the cross country meet photos will turn out well. Happy Weekend, CBW.

  5. Even thought your camera is broken, it is still taking magnificent photos and has very good lighting.
    The pictures you posted did look very nice and if I could see that area in real life I would sit back and enjoy it
    Anyway, hope your camera gets fixed.

  6. We are the luckiest of people to live by this view, which I just took in traveling to my computer.
    It's pink and blue at 6:13 AM and coffee is brewing.

    My humble camera would love to go to the track meet with you (without me of course). It does a good job.

  7. Wal Mutant has layaway now for Christmas.... you could get a new one and pay on it... and it would probably still be cheaper than the drive and repairs. Love the pics.

  8. use your phone camera! Surely one of the CB Family has a camera to lend you .. another reason I am sorry to be so damn far away, I'd lend you mine in a nano sec

  9. I know how you feel. My camera didn't work for months, and I finally agreed to mail it to the Samsung factory (or wherever) and then it started to work again, just as I was putting it in the box.
    It was a mackerel!
    Now, however, I've forgotten how to use it.
    Best of luck with your best buddy/constant companion. It hurts, I know.
    (Enjoyed your mom's baby photos, laughed at her tobacco story.)

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. I am very very sad for you and your beloved camera... :(

  11. Oooo, bummer about your camera. I hate it when mine doesn't work right. I would lend you mine, but it's a little late.

    WV: spotom. Maybe Santa will bring you a new one for Christmas and you can file your old one at the spotom of the creek.

  12. I'm struggling with this whole google account thing. I think I now have three profiles that follow Mamma's blog, but I cannot leave a comment because I don't have "access." WTF? Whatever....I'm not sure which picture of the dogs will show up on this one, because I have created three different ones. Technologically challenged!

    Middle sis

  13. Also, with my last canon, I sent the camera in to be repaired and it was sent back relatively quickly.....I would do that!

    Middle S

  14. Also cannot reply to Wild on Waverly posts--lovely remembrances and photos. I repeat again, after seeing your grandmother and Aunt Nellie's photos: too many gorgeous women for one family.

  15. Middle Sis and LLC - I will try to get next door this week and see what's up with CB Mother's settings that may be impacting the ability to leave comments.


    My camera is clearly sick, but it is not dead yet. For reasons I don't understand it performed admirably at this week's cross country meet. I will still need to send it off or drive it to a repair place, because overall the problems are still there and performance is inconsistent, but there's still some life left in her...

    I need a new laptop (the one I use now is a loaner and the screen is shot so I have it rigged/connected to my also-broken desktop monitor), a new cell phone (mine is so old it groans when I press the buttons) and potentially a new camera. On top of it all, I hate change so will likely use all of these until they absolutely up and die on me.


    Thanks to everyone for commenting.Hope you all have a great week.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.