Thursday, November 17, 2011

Three Things

It's Thursday once again, time to share three random things.

I'll begin.

1.  One week from today is Thanksgiving, which is really difficult to believe, particularly since I still have rotting  jack-o-lanterns on the front porch.

2.  Why is it that when I lived in Northern Virginia/metro DC, an area peppered with world-class restaurants, I didn't care a lick about sushi.  Now that I'm back in Mathews, where they think sushi is a mispronunciation of a pig call (sooey!) and the nearest place to get most anything sushi is 20-30 miles away (depending on where you go), I think about it every single day.

3.  This whole sushi conundrum reminds me of my hair.  In my younger years, my hair was as straight as a poker.  During the decade of great big honkin' hair (the 1980s), I permed it until it nearly disintegrated off my scalp, all in the hopes of achieving the tiniest bit of body and curl. Now that I'm old as dirt older, and straight hair is "in" at least with the teeny boppers younger set, my hair just wants to curl right on up, entirely on its own, without so much as an invitation to do so.

There's a lesson in all this, somewhere.  Life seems to be saying, "CBW, whatever you want, you aren't going to have at the time that you think you want it.  So you may as well accept and be happy with what you do have and get over it, for Pete's sake.  Either that or learn to make sushi yourself, daggone it."

From Thanksgiving to unattainable sushi to unruly hair to acceptance and giving thanks for what you do have vs. worrying about what you don't have.  There!  I knew I could tie all these random thoughts together into one big package. It begins and ends with being thankful.

Now it's your turn to share three things.  Anything at all. 


  1. 1. I finished the giant quilt to convince myself that I can manage to get it quilted in this century. I've worked on it for weeks, so I'm determined to finish this one (I have a box of tops that are waiting their turn to be mangled by me:))
    2. Thanksgiving is at my in-laws house, we are preparing it for the whole family. Heaven help me. Oh, I'm very thankful that everyone is resonably well and will be able to attend! But, Heaven help me while I cook for 20.
    3. Wishing you a wonderful weekend and that you get a chance to rest a bit!

  2. 1. Anonymous comments work on my blog now! Thanks to you.

    2. It's less than a month away from the dreaded Christmas Party, which I am hostessing (GAH).

    3. Sunday dinner will be "not turkey." Sushi? Not. Sweet potatoes, spinach, and chicken with dressing?

  3. 1. Your hair is beautiful.
    2. Come up here for Thanksgiving!
    3. Seriously! We are having Thanksgiving Eve dinner with Daryl, and going to watch them blow up the Macy's balloons!

  4. I have to work on Thanksgiving, man I hate that job, 6 years and counting...wishing my life away, one day at a time...but we will have T-day dinner on Wednesday and than the family can have left-overs on Thursday...

    I love sushi, all of our Chinese buffets have it even the Shop Rite grocery store makes it fresh

    I hope I am not over-stepping my bounds on your blog but if anyone would like to help feed some less fortunate this Thanksgiving without any out of pocket expense Pepto Bismal is donating 8 meals just for liking them on Facebook...

    have a wonderful weekend, man the Macy's Thanksgiving parade live and up close sounds wonderful...enjoy

  5. Come on and come visit .. I promise Sushi, Thai and Vietnamese food

  6. saw a sign at the tai restaurant in gloucester courthouse that they are now serving sushi

  7. My niece has very curly hair, so she straightens it. I've finally stopped perming my very straight hair, but I still find myself thinking about curls. Sort of like you and sushi.
    My niece and her husband used to make their own sushi when they were childless. Now they go out for it, or order in. Of course, there are lots of Japanese restaurants on the west coast of Canada.
    I'm going out for a pedicure this afternoon. My toes are twitching in anticipation. Also having a neck massage. Very glad my neck isn't twitching, however.
    Is that three things?
    Hi to your mom. (I think I missed one of her blog posts. I'll have to see if I can find it.)

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Re Maria's suggestion about food for the less fortunate, I clicked "like" and also posted it on my FB page.

  9. deborah-I want to hear about your Thanksgiving after it's all done, I bet it will be wonderful.

    CB Mumma-Your menu for Sunday sounds divine.

    MPM- I can't get there Thanksgiving Eve but will do everything I can to get there between Christmas and NYE.

    Maria-So sorry you have to work Thanksgiving. Will definitely check out the Facebook page to help those in need. IF I get up to NYC between Christmas and NYE I'll let you know. Would love to see you.

    Daryl, I think you've sold me on a trip north. Not sure how I am going to pack all this eating into two days, but I'll try...

    Anonymous - Yes, Bangkok Noi now has sushi! It's good, as is all their food. But it's still a 15- mile drive for me...I guess that's about as close as I can hope for, though.

    Kay - Hope you had a relaxing day of pampering. Yes, my mother posted something new yesterday, it's about my great-aunt Viola (or Vollie, as we called her).

    It's almost Friday....

  10. I have nothing to say except hello. Sorry, sometimes my mind just doesn't seem to work.

  11. 1. My hair is still orange on account of the water.

    2. We are going Church shopping again Sunday.

    3. I hope the weekend is peaceful,yet full of fun.

  12. whew, the hard part of the move from NYC to the Sunshine Coast is over.
    Discovered it is the refrigerator and washer that make a home!

    Had fish and chips at the beach tonight, and a long run for Mister Three along the beach.

    LOVED the photos, CBW.
    Forgot to bring my camera up here from home on my last trip. Bother!

  13. 1. I understand the sushi thing. During the 6 months we briefly relocated to Central PA, I was obsessed with finding quality Mexican Food. I mourned for Baja Fresh. I pined for Chevy's. Chi Chi's just wasn't cutting it.

    2. The hair thing? I don't get that either.

    3. I am happy it's Thanksgiving week - this is our family's favorite holiday!


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.