Friday, December 16, 2011


There hasn't been much time to take photos here lately.

But last week I did manage to snap some from my back yard which
sits at the mouth of Millers Cove off Queens Creek.

This is my neighbor's workboat, near the end of Millers Cove.

The water here is pretty shallow.

Not much further past this boat there's lots and lots of creek mud and fiddler crab habitat
swamp marsh.

If you were able to walk through all that swamp marsh you'd eventually come to Route 198.

(Not that anyone would want to go that way.

I'm just rambling.)

The morning I took these there was a slight mist burning off the creek.

This weekend promises to be just as busy as any other here recently,
but I do hope to get out, maybe Sunday, and take some new pictures.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. CBW--you will get through the weekend, one step at a time..I love the photos of the boats...maybe in the future you will have that second, historical-fictional Beachland novel published, and can rent a boat for your book signing, with enough crab hats to go around for an uproarious After Party...everyone will bring meatballs !!--and Thai restaurant caterers will be on board also...

  2. love the pictures of the boat!
    A busy weekend, but I'm sure you will take a few hours for yourself to take more fabulous pictures to share with us!
    I wanna come to your Beachland book signing party too!:)
    Take care and have a good weekend!

  3. I love workboats — I've always loved tugs and fishing boats because they're so honest and don't try to be anything they're not.
    Mind you, I once tried to buy a tug to turn into a houseboat, which would have meant the poor tug pretending to be a tug when it was really a live-aboard. Probably not at all good for the soul of the Ocean Belle.
    I put up a tiny artificial tree today and I feel good about it. My husband is glad I feel good, although Christmas trees don't do much for him as he's a non-practicing Jew.
    Keep those pictures coming when you can!

  4. the first picture looks so serene, yes I think that is the back yard I am looking for...

    good luck this weekend with the signings and the party...

  5. I wouldn't recommend walking in the marsh muck... I've lost shoes in there before- whole guinea boots even (well in our marsh muck anyway though I'm sure yours is the same). I love the pic of the work boat. The Brat Child is on a push for a trip down there. He had a dream about "watersand" that my van could fly there. If only. And in other news I have to share, Midge was voted Player of the Year for field hockey in Division III. I'm sooo proud of her!

  6. And if you look to the right, you see my red brick house;)

  7. Sigh.....Wish I lived on the water.


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