Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trek Through the Woods

Once upon a time deep in the woods near Beaverlett, there lived a charming old house.

Chesapeake Bay Woman, who occasionally jogs down a road near these woods, took advantage of a leafless winter day and bright sunlight to take a few portraits of this house.

By the way, these are the exact same woods she trampled through over the summer only to contract the worst case of chiggers in the history of mankind. In addition, she was nearly carried away by mosquitoes with the wing spans and facial features of the Starship Enterprise.

But in the winter?  No need to worry about such freaks of nature.

The photo above, a glimpse at the kitchen, is one of my favorites from the excursion. Well, all except for that weed there in the foreground.  That's probably the beginnings of Jack and the Beanstalk, getting a jump start on the spring growing season.  We have mutant plant growth as well as mutant insects in Mathews County, fyi.

I imagine someone must have spent hours sitting in this living room chair pondering the meaning of life.  Even though this isn't the living room, it's the front porch.

Still, based on how remote this house is, I don't think it matters much where you place your furniture or do your pondering. What is important is that you feel comfortable and undisturbed while reflecting.

Speaking of pondering and reflecting...

...this isn't something you see every day.

The End.

p.s. Please visit my friend Lauren's blog and send her and her fantastic son and daughter some words of encouragement and positive thoughts. Thank you!



  2. Outhouse Al Fresco !! Katie, bar the door, as they used to say--or as they say now,"OMG" !! No half-moon shape in the door for air circulation was needed.
    I fall in love with all the old derelict homes until you bring up chiggers and mosquitoes....sigh.

  3. I think I want to fix that place up and live there. Outhouse and all. Then I'll adopt all the stray cats and become the Crazy Cat Lady of Beaverlett and invite you in for tea and crumpets when you jog by.

  4. well the husband did say he wanted a place in the woods for him and his porch dog...

    I was thinking the same thing, where is the half-moon?

    I walked on the beach yesterday in Brigantine,(B4 my dentist appt) I really should have taken the camera, it was just lovely.

  5. LOVE that shot of the kitchen, Jack's Stalk didnt interfere ... I am still remembering BHE's grandma's old house and how fun that photo op was ..

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

  6. So very charming that old home is.

  7. This post was a real 'smile-maker' for me. Thanks!

  8. Damn'it I just used that outhouse last week!!! What is this world coming to? You can't even find a good outhouse any more! I'm gona get that chair it looks better than anything I have in my apt!!! Luv ya girl!

  9. Loved the pics of the old house. Thanks for sending me to MentalPMama's blog. I follow her quite often because of your blog.

  10. Happy Birthday!! I hope it is a good one...Hugz...!

  11. Happy Birthday!!
    a fairy tale house with a porta-pottie:)

  12. You are about the sweetest thing on earth! And now I can't decide which house I want;)

  13. Love that house. Great pics. Hope you had a wonderful b-day!

  14. Thanks for the walk in the woods of Beaverlett. Daddy grew up there. Grandpa had his wood working shop, Post Office, and G-gd had store....I remember walking though the woods Daddy inherited down there, as a child with my cowboy boots and cap pistol in the winter, hunting for a Christmas Tree, Mistletoe, Running Cedar.


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