Monday, April 9, 2012

Boats on Davis Creek

These boats were resting on Davis Creek
the morning I went crabbing.


I'm still talking about the crabbing trip.

Much like after I ran the 10K a few weekends ago, 

there is a Post-Experience Let Down;

the feeling that what just happened was magnificent, 
and there's nothing concrete on the horizon to take its place.

So here are a few more glimpses from that day.

What's new in your world?


  1. Jimmy Hunley, Waynie Hudgins, and Vernon Grady Haywood...

    one is missing.. was it not there???

    New in my world... nothing much but SOOOOOOOO glad I got to see you Friday when are you coming HERE..

  2. Same old same old but I am not complaining .. I dont care how long you stretch your crabbing photos out, I love them ..

  3. Not complaining here either:)
    Keep these photos coming, I enjoy them so much!

  4. What's new? Same old, same old. No complaints. Well.... not big ones, LOL.

    You can keep running the crabbing photos as long as you like, they're a lot of fun. Or, if you're getting bored with them pick some random shots from your other photo shoots. You know what I'd love to see--shots you may have taken over the years that show some of the local roads. And I'd love to hear your stories about driving around, especially about what it's like to take the toll bridge every day. Does it get backed up, do you get a sensation of "being home" when you get to the bridge, are you on a first name basis with the toll collector, etc.

    If you ever want ideas for your blogs, just let me know. Since we're thinking of moving there I have a few million questions, some of which might inspire an idea for a blog or two. --Betsy

  5. I LOVE the crabbing pictures, but I would like to be sitting t the paper lined table better...

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend, thank the good Lord, I didn't have to work...

  6. Well, I ordered a MiFi wireless 4G internet thingy from Verizon, and it worked GREAT - and we streamed 2 videos and used up our entire monthly allotment of 5 Gigs within less than 2 days. So I'm returning it, and I guess we will go back to our slow old DSL. So annoyed - seemed like it would have been the ideal fix. Grrr.

  7. That one boat is almost named after me. We have different second names. I'm heading down to the 'Ville the weekend of the 21st, though I don't know if I will be making public appearances as I won't be alone (I'm wiggling my eyebrows if you catch my drift).

  8. What's new? S.O.S.D.D. (Same old s--t different day)

    You could post boat and/or water photos every day and it wouldn't hurt my feelings any.

  9. Picture #3 is the new wallpaper on my iphone. Beautiful boat. Thanks.

  10. AM-I don't think it was missing I probably just didn't take a photo of it. Good to see you too. We need to pick a weekend for me to come there and make it happen.

    Daryl, deborah - thank you.

    Betsy - PLEASE keep making these suggestions and more importantly remind me when I have failed to answer them. I may have time later in the week to address the issue of Gloucester vs. Mathews,driving through the two counties, how I feel about the Coleman bridge, etc. If I don't put anything up by Friday, bug me and if nothing else I'll write it in the comments. Your questions are excellent and I am happy to answer them. Time is always against me during the week though. Just remind me.

    Maria - Glad you got some much needed time off.

    Meg - Mifi? I'll have to consult the teenaged son on this technical term. Is that 5 gig allotment negotiable?

    DJ-I most definitely catch your drift and hope you have a splendid time. If by any chance you find yourselves in Mathews, please stop by if you can.

    DGH-Thanks. I feel the same way about the days EXCEPT the leaves are sprouting and everything's finally returning to proper colors, so for that alone I am grateful.

    Happy Monday, thanks for reading/commenting

  11. thomas - you snuck in as I was writing my response. Glad you like it, I thought you might.

  12. Keep those crab pictures coming

  13. Thanks, Rodney. I'm going to break things up a little bit tomorrow (by showing some old photos) but I'll try to dig through some more crab shots and see what's left that hasn't already been seen. There's bound to be something out of all I took.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.