Friday, May 18, 2012


These shots of a boat pulled gently ashore near Smithers Cemetery on Queens Creek are from 2010.

The boat seems so comfortable and relaxed there out of the water, almost as if it's catching up on lost sleep.

Or perhaps I'm projecting my ardent desire to catch up on rest and sleep on an unsuspecting, perfectly innocent boat pulled up on shore.

Either way, I hope there's at least a nap in my future you enjoy a peaceful, relaxing weekend.


  1. CBW,hope u have a really good weekend too and are able to catch up on your sleep. Watch out for the cyclist.

  2. Sleep? What's that? Tonight after Teeball I get to go shopping for food for the party tomorrow. Also, if my dad does not finish mowing the lawn, someone has to do that prior to the party. I figure next weekend I'll catch up on sleep and relaxing.

  3. A nap sounds good to me...



  4. I am looking forward to the weekend and a massage ... and some walking with camera and Toonman .. its gonna be a warm sunny weekend here .. enjoy!

  5. aaahhhhh.......zzzzzzzzzz

    Have a wonderful weekwnd!


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