Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ware Neck Barn

These are a few shots of a recently renovated barn that lives in a field near Wellford Lane down Ware Neck.

(Notice I did not say Click Here at all in that sentence, even if there is a link. I promised yesterday I wouldn't do that today.)

In my opinion May is the best month of the year to take pictures around these parts. Everything is lush and green. Without the oppressive humidity that comes in June, July and August, the sun's rays just seem to do a much better job of illuminating things.

There are many other reasons why I love May, including:

-The really offensive insects--mosquitoes, horseflies, etc.--are not bad. Yet.
-The spring sports season is almost over, meaning fewer frantic days and a little less driving to places like the ends of the Earth King William or New Kent, on top of the hour-long drive (one way) to work.
-The school year is coming to a close. Amen.
-For the first time since Christmas, I'll have a week off from work (at the end of this month). Hallelujah.
-Summer is almost here, which means that my family's summer vacation is almost here. Amen. Again.

Yes, I love May.

Thoughts? What do you think of May?


  1. May is birthday month for my mom and was also for my grandmother. When I worked in high school classrooms, we had some nice school wide festivals, plus the fabulous Memorial Day weekend..(loved school breaks and 3-day weekends). On the other hand, the students lost focus more, because of spring fever and the sense that the school year was ending in early June. Antsy adolescents confined indoors!

    I can't decide which I love more--Nuttal's store or the remodeled barn...I want to convert either to a residence and move in !!

  2. What a splendid red barn in a beautiful setting - wonderful to see such a nicely restored building!
    I like May, its my Mother's birthday and the weather is so nice. I like to putter in the dirt this month, waiting on the last frost date to get started.
    So happy for you! Your schedule is easing up a bit with a vacation in the near future - looks like your May is going to be a good one!

  3. That top photo could be in a calendar. Very nice.

    I like May. Everything's either in bloom or at least fresh and green. The temps are too cold or too hot yet, like Goldilocks would say they're "just right." And the river's warm enough to go kayaking again. That's always a good thing.


  4. I like May .. here in NYC normally its when things warm up .. this year not being normal its already warm ... maybe we should have had Blogfest in May ..

  5. This May is rather frantic. we have Midge's Senior Prom and Powderpuff Football game, the Brat Child's birthday, his teeball games start this month, and let's not forget the preparations for Midge's upcoming graduation and party and finalizing plans for her leaving me and going off to college. Throw in some other major life decisions going on and it makes for a crazy month. I'm hoping I make it down south this month. I need some serenity. Now.

  6. I believe this May is my best May ever.
    And yes the insects are a real problem in my neck of the woods too.They actually start to become a nuisance in early to mid April.
    Hope you enjoy your week of leave at the end of the month.Something tells me you will have a great May too.

  7. I believe that is the barn on the home place of Mr. Lloyd Clements, whose son and daughter-in-law, Graham and Bessie, kept my piano for me when I hadn't room to house it. It was a pretty place, and I imagine, still is.

  8. Wonderful barn. I wonder if they are re-doing it as a barn, or will it be a house?

    May is wonderful....except for the May Flies! I think they hang out around my front door just waiting for me to come out. Those dang lace wing bombers sure bite hard, and love to try to fly up my nose or get in my mouth!

  9. May is super busy for me, especially toward the end when school comes to a close. But early May - just blissful. Love it!

  10. May is crazy busy. Now we need to make a date!!!

  11. May is good! Though for some reason it seems busier this year for us than in years past. We are taking off the week before Memorial Day - my in-laws will be here and we are building a deck. My FIL is awesome - he designed it and has told us exactly what supplies to order. The rest of us will follow his instructions. It's like being Amish- except with beer and wine.


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