Friday, June 29, 2012

Land and Sea

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Hoping you have a spectacular weekend!

  2. I forgot to post my three things yesterday so better later than never, right?

    1. I'm off to the Poconos for a family reunion. I believe we're going to the one spot in the world where there's no wifi, so I'll be gone for a week. Not sure what I'll find up there, but I'll be on the look out for Elvis impersonators, Wayne Newton, Champagne waterfall jacuzzi tubs, and heart shaped beds.

    2. It's HOT!!! So odds are if I see Elvis the truth is it's just a hallucination from all this heat!

    3. If I see Pierce Brosnan and he's in the waterfall jacuzzi tub, all bubbled up and beckoning to me, it better not be a hallucination.

    4. If I see Wayne Newton in the tub? Fuggetaboutit. Just duck back under the soap bubbles dearie, I'm going out to the lobby and looking for Pierce.


  3. I have a pic of that same boat. Shocking. I'm trying to decide which would be better for sunrise pics: Bethel or Aaron's?

  4. I am hoping the heat wave that kicks off today wont be as bad as the one I missed ... hope you have a great weekend!

  5. CBW,that yellow dump truck looks familiar and brings back memories. I've hauled many of loads of dirt and gravel in that beast. There's no air conditioner;many times i have felt like a rotisserie chicken.Oh the stories i could tell about this dump truck. Have a great weekend!

  6. Image three is curious lawn art. In PA it would be a Chevy.

  7. Hope you are staying cool and that you have current!!


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