Thursday, September 20, 2012

King and Queen and Paula Deen

Last Saturday night was the second time I left my son since his surgery.

I had dinner at her house in King and Queen County.

This barn is in her back  yard.

While I was there, I met a new friend 
who was hanging out in the picnic table area.

She's big, she's bad, and she means business.

Her name is Paula, and she's a biker garden gnome.

A garden gnome biker.

A garden gnome.

In biker attire.

Maybe I'm easily amused, but this thing cracks. Me. UP.

Paula was so named because she looks like Paula Deen.

In a biker's outfit.

(If Paula Deen ever were to don a biker's outfit. Or a garden gnome hat.)

I told BHE that I see a very bright blog future for Paula, y'all.

I envision her making trips to see blog friends in New York, Tennessee, California--all over the place.

Paula is my new favorite garden gnome.

(No, CBW has not lost her marbles.)


(She just sees so much comedic potential  in a garden gnome named Paula.)

Don't you think Paula is nothing short of Ms. Personality Plus?

CBW may be suffering the ill effects of sleep deprivation, which she's working towards correcting need to get out more often.  It was bad enough when she was wondering about bird conversations.  Now she's planning vacations for  garden gnomes named after Food Network stars. Please don't call Eastern State Hospital.  (Yet.)


  1. Well, the Roamin' Gnome has NOTHING on Ms. Paula there. Maybe Travelocity might want to hire her for some variety in their commercials ? She could definitely host her own travel might be on to something.Glad you got out for an evening to enjoy good company, in the vicinity of a wonderful barn, no less.

  2. checking in to see how you and your son are doing - will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers that you can get some rest and your son's pain eases.
    so glad you got to visit with friends! if the gnome goes visiting, she can stop here and visit my gnome couple:)
    deborah kitts

  3. she would have fun here during bike week!

  4. Send her this way! I have a camera and I think I know how to use it!

  5. Paula Deen should seriously consider wearing an outfit like that. Especially the hat. Betsy

  6. You are definitely sleep deprived. But that gnome is hilarious.

  7. We were planning to get the matching male biker gnome at some point. However, now that Paula knows she is going to get out more, she may not want to bother with a man!!! She's looking forward to seeing you again Saturday:)

  8. oh boy, she needs to come to NYC asap!


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