Friday, November 30, 2012


This was the view from my back yard one recent morning.

I was talking with a friend this week about what I'd do if I won that $500 million Powerball lottery--the one that I didn't win, much to my chagrin. Yes, I bought tickets. Plural.

First I'd make a very long list of organizations and people (including friends and family) to take care of. Mathews High School, for example, would receive world class athletic facilities, etc. The list of those who'd receive money would be very, very lengthy.

(My two readers faithful readers and commenters would be included.)

After the giving part, I'd use a portion to travel extensively. A whole year of traveling.

I'd save/invest much of what would be left over and use a very small portion to fix up my house. There is so much that needs basic repair. Plus I need a new refrigerator. Walls need painting. Basement needs waterproofing. Stuff like that. But I'd also splurge on a few luxury items like a swimming pool (and a pool boy to go along with it since I cannot even maintain a bath tub much less a swimming pool).

My friend made an observation. I made absolutely no mention of picking up and moving some place else.

I hadn't thought about that. It never occurred to me that I'd be able to live anywhere I wanted.

But that's probably because I'm already here. Where I want to be.

In other more exciting news, Chesapeake Bay Daughter's first basketball game was a major success last night against Rappahannock. The JV girls won by a large margin. (Mother of the Year was so giddy from screaming and hollering at how well they were playing, she neglected to retain the exact score but it was 20-something to about 7.)

Daughter, who is still not feeling well thanks to scratchy throat and general malaise, played a great game. Everyone on the team did. If tonight's game is any indication of what the rest of the season holds, I can't wait.

OK, I'm all done bragging about my beloved view and my beloved, basketball playing daughter.

Thanks for tolerating me reading and have a fantastic weekend.


  1. Enchanting sunrise! You need to open a Bed and Breakfast, the views alone would attract customers!

    I didn't win either, but I think I jinxed myself by saying no one person needs THAT much money-

    Congrats to CBW daughter! Sounds like it will be a winning season!
    Hope she feels better soon

    have a wonderful weekend

  2. Both photos, especially the 2nd one, speak volumes about why you could never live any place else...and with Gustav and such entertaining parents next door,the icing on the cake-(or the iced wine)--why would anyone want to leave ?
    Your daughter is awesome, so brag away ! Nobody will mind.

  3. If we'd won the lottery, we would have used it to buy a house down in your part of VA. Someday when we can afford it, that's where we'll retire.--Betsy

  4. You sound like me with my list of of people and organizations to share my money with. I've always said that the first thing I would do was to share some with my family, then our school, and so on. Why would you ever want to live somewhere else when beauty like that greets you every day?


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