Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Tree

The artificial Christmas tree.
We have a love/hate relationship.

It's been a busy several days here on Waverly Lane.

Saturday night was the annual neighborhood Christmas party.

(Pictures from that event will go up later in the week.)

Sunday night we had a family dinner that included Middle Sister and her husband.

Middle Sis will be here for the week. 

Today is my mother's birthday.

Baby Sis will be coming home today.

Although we don't have anything planned,

we will try to get together tonight to celebrate.

Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Birthday to CB Mother!


  1. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mom. And a Merry Christmas to you and your family, CBW ~

  2. Have a wonderful Christmas, and may Santa bring you a new camera!


    Live, Laugh, Love.

  3. The three of ya'll together lord help us!!!!

  4. Merry Christmas to all of you and a very special Happy Birthday to your mom.
    Luv, K

  5. Yes, all three girls at home under one roof. Mathews may never be the same!

  6. Merry Christmas to you all there CBW. Many thanks for all your wonderful blog posts during the year! Have a happy family time!

  7. Belated Happy Birthday to your mom!
    Hope you all have a Happy Merry and
    fun Christmas!


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