Thursday, May 2, 2013

Haynes Pond

The other day I drove down Gloucester's Hickory Fork Road for the first time in a month of Sundays.

The last time I was down this way, the main road ran right past this building and the pond.

If you look closely, you'll see the white feathers of a creature just to the right of this building.

A closer view

Changes over the years have redirected traffic away from this particular spot.

Some people have had fun with all of the changes.

This made me laugh, I confess.

It's a pretty, graceful pond.


  1. Loved the osprey nest in the previous post. You are so lucky you can still burn stuff in your yard. Would love to be able to still do that these days here, guess it is fairly impractical in the suburbs and cities nowadays!

    Nice to be out and about taking photos of the local scenery. Hope I'll be able to do more of that soon.

  2. Oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I move the pond sense you were last here!! Or is it here last ?? one of you English major please correct!! love that place...a little snaky for me!!!MM

  3. Your great grandfather's sister Mary married the Haynes who owned the pond and ran the water mill. She lived there when it was a lovely quiet lane with nothing but trees and nature and a few homes. It was beautiful and so different from the present. Her son John, Mother's first cousin, ran the little store in your photo.

  4. I remember going there about 10 years ago to get a scenic photo and had to run back to my car because I was being chased by an overprotective goose momma. Glad to hear that you weren't similarly assaulted.

  5. it really is a lovely pond ....

  6. Where did the road used to go and why was it closed? Closed roads always intrigue me.

  7. tree dancing in the water ! They look so gleeful...



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