Monday, May 6, 2013


This weekend was a whirlwind of activity kicked off by Daughter's Friday evening's soccer game against Middlesex, which ended in a tie, 2-2.

(Guess who scored both of the goals for Mathews?  Anyone?  Bueller?   Hint:  She's near and dear to my heart.)

Friday and Saturday nights involved good food and good friends.

Before I knew what hit me, Sunday showed up on the doorstep.  Realizing I hadn't taken any new pictures, I headed out in search of anything more interesting than the azaleas in my front yard for a car ride that took me from Gwynn's Island to Bethel Beach.

Edwards Creek, Gwynns Island

In the marsh near Onemo

Approaching Bethel Beach

This week we have three more soccer games, unless Mother Nature decides that three games in one week is too much and sprinkles some rain showers on one or two of them. Speaking of the weather, and we may have been, it has been unseasonably cool here lately, especially given that we're already a day past Cinco de Mayo.

I'm really looking forward to some warm weather, which no doubt is right around the corner along with the mosquitoes, fiddler crabs and other sordid nuisances assorted creatures that come with the heat and humidity.


  1. greening up over there for you now.
    great photos again.
    have a great week cbw.

  2. I was looking through my pics from a couple of weeks ago and I also have photos of ditches in Mathews. And because I typed the word ditches I'm now singing an Irish song about "wearing corduroy britches
    Digging ditches, pulling switches, dodging hitches I was workin' on the railway" I have made myself busy these past few days by cleaning and tilling people's gardens- people who have asked me to, not just random drive by tillings. I need a little more sleep I think.

  3. If this has come to taking pictures of ditches this MM signing off!

  4. we had a lot of sun here but we also had a lot of cold wind .. no breezes ... winds ... gusting ice air ... and rain is due mid week .. love looking at the calm peaceful roads of mathews ... and congrats to your star


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