Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday Musings

These were taken last week from Aaron's Beach.

  • Friday night's final JV soccer game of the season ended with a fist fight.
  • Saturday night the Chesapeake Bay Family convened for lots of good food.
  • Sunday, Chesapeake Bay Woman awoke more than slightly disappointed to discover that she was not the sole Powerball winner.  
  • In spite of the above, not a single Chesapeake Bay Family member was involved in a fist fight this weekend.
  • Happy Monday.


  1. No fist fights here, either ! Guess that means it was a decent weekend, LOL


  2. Love those fist fights! Although getting to old! Sounds like a fun weekend...Will tell you about mine sometime!! MM

  3. No fist fights here, though the Brat Child was disappointed with his birthday presents... he "expected more". This morning I learned I can choke down Activia's Tropical Fruit Greek yogurt. I have something going on this week that could me monumental or debilitating depending on which way it goes. Thankfully I'm heading to the 'Ville Friday for a long weekend so either I'll be drinking wine to celebrate or drown my sorrows. I did not win the Powerball either.

  4. A fist fight? Yikes! Need to check our Powerball ticket...

  5. Wow! Sounds like you had an exciting weekend, but who won the game?

  6. DGH - We lost the game but if someone were judging the fight they'd probably say we won that. Who would have thought an all-out brawl would erupt in a junior varsity soccer game?

    MM - I bet you have plenty of stories involving fist fights. Feel free to share any time.


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