Monday, June 3, 2013

Car Show

On Saturday, the streets of Mathews Court House were lined with classic cars and crowds courtesy of the Chasing Pavement Vintage Automotive Festival.

I'll take this one.  (What's going on with that left front tire?)

Not something you see in downtown Mathews every day.

Wait.  I've changed my mind.  This one.  I'll take this one.

Although as a rule I'm not a huge fan of pink, I could see myself
quite content behind the wheel of this one.

Yep.  Very happy indeed.

Come to Momma.  

Love it.

OK, there's a difference between what someone wants
and what they actually need.  

I need this truck.  Around here a truck is vital to every day life.
It would be so much fun hauling trash to the dump in this.

Only problem?  This is the lining of the truck's bed.
I could never put trash here.
So, I suppose I'd use the truck for joy riding to the post office or to Best Value or Food Lion.
(Again, all vital to life around here.)

I thought the car show was wonderful for many reasons.  First of all, I absolutely love vintage vehicles and could easily spend hours daydreaming about which ones I need would like to have. Second, it was so nice seeing the Court House bustling with activity, alive.  Last but not least, the proceeds went to the fire department, rescue squad and the sheriff's office.  All good.

Click here for more background on this event.


  1. a cool car show! Ours is later this month and I always try to vintage cars and trucks.
    I'm not a big fan of pink either, but am crazy about that car - let's just get that one, okay?
    Hubby has his doctor's okay to go to Florida, his heart cath. was clear. Thank goodness! Not keen on Florida, but we want to attend our son's wedding there and have a small vacay at the same time.

  2. Okay Your hiding from me again! I did not see you there! Oh, and that lime green thing you like (I say thing because it is questionable if it qualify as a car LOL) they only made 21 that color !! you know why? ...............Because it was so DAMN UGLY !! LOL It was a great show in little old Mathews!! We need to make it a yearly event ....there something else to put on your plate LOL.... MM

  3. The truck is owned by Mike, my friend and co-worker here at the Gazette. It's his pride and joy (although I wasn't aware of the license plate bed until I saw your pictures).

  4. was the pepto pink car an edsel?

  5. Dad and I talked to the couple who drove in the pink Ford. She was super cute with short shorts and platform wedgies. Husband was all flummoxed over the car, not the girl! Time marches on.

  6. Kool Kars! I remember those cars growing up. Wait....does that mean I'm "vintage" too? I'll take that little white number, please.

  7. I will take almost anything (restored, thanks) from 1949-50...swoon: '49 Mercury convertible Chevy or Ford trucks- (must have heaters and decent sound system)... And 57 chevys.
    .No pink or puce paint, thank you.
    .That red 57 chevy looked nice in your 3rd photo. Wanna drag-race on the Mathews main strip ?

  8. This is very cool. And I could see me riding around in that pink one with you. But the truck? Totally cool.

  9. It is a great sharing about a car show and I must say that all these classic cars are looking too fabulous. The most enticing from all these according to me, is the green car!
    auto transport quotes


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