Monday, July 15, 2013


When the boat ride to Smith Island was cancelled due to low participation, I went to Tangier Island instead.

Other than a brief shower crossing the bay, the weather was perfect.

The day was as perfect as the weather, and it was a nice distraction for me since Son and Daughter are still in New York visiting relatives, seeing Broadway shows, eating good food and exploring a whole new world on their own.  I'm picking them up from Richmond's bus station Tuesday after work and can't wait to hear about all their adventures.

Click here for the first of several posts from last year's trip to Tangier. It's a unique destination and a great day trip from Reedville.

How was your weekend?


  1. Wonderful photos CBW. So nice and clear!

    Good weekend, short trip to the beach on Saturday morning (in the middle of winter), with the kids, before the rain chased us home. Cooked a roast dinner for everyone.

    Drove to Brisbane on Sunday for an afternoon tea given by a friend in aid of Motor Neurone Disease research. Always good to catch up with friends I haven't seen for a while. And called in to see my brother and sister in law on the way down.

    All very ordinary sounding but good to get out and see everyone.

  2. 1 I got to see you this weekend so my weekend was PERFECT..

    2 I WISH I had known that you were going to Tangier I would have had you look up my friend Freddie and given him a big hug from me. He has the Cynthia Lou.. she is a BEAUTIFUL boat you would have loved her. The boat and his wife Cindy too!

  3. low participation? seriously? my weekend wasnt very exciting ... the high point was being able to recommend an inexpensive/good food restaurant in times square to two awesome visitors from mathews

  4. Nice pictures!!! My dad had a boat named the Betty Jane. She was a V-stern Deadrise. Many good times were had in her along with lots of hard work.

  5. Sorry your trip to Smith Island fell through. I was so hoping to hear you had a piece of the world famous Smith Island cake. But at least you got to go somewhere exciting and I always enjoy your boat pictures. Have a good week, and your young-uns will be home soon.


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