Friday, August 16, 2013

Sunrise on Queens Creek

One morning this week, just before leaving for work, I glanced towards the creek.

I gasped and dashed for the camera.

The weather has been spectacularly cool--almost like fall--these past two days.  The sun makes her grand entrance a little later each morning.

Mother Nature is putting up signs signaling summer is slinking away.

I'm grateful for gifts like this sunrise, that make getting up and leaving for work just a little more pleasant.

Happy Friday.


  1. Oh, Janice, it's absolutely stunning! I'd almost be willing to get up to go to work just to see that.
    Years ago, I lived in the suburbs and started work in the city at 7am, so I've seen my share of sunrises, but none with colors like this!

  2. Incredibly beautiful sunrise photos! Makes it worth getting up so early to see it ... almost. Hope you have the opportunity to miss the next couple. Have a great weekend!

  3. I'll take sunrise number four.
    They are all amazing, stunning.


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