Thursday, August 8, 2013

Three Things

Today is Thursday, which means we share three things.

1. I love sunsets on the Chesapeake Bay.

2.  (Insert sound of crickets because I have nothing else to report.)

3.  Sunsets from the Eastern Shore are the best.

Please share your thoughts, whatever is on your mind.


  1. 1. I love your photos.

    2. I love crickets, especially Jiminy, and/or the ones who sing back and forth in my neighborhood.

    3. I miss the eastern coast.


  2. 1) fabulous sunset photos
    2) I love the sound of crickets
    3) I miss the west coast
    4) see you soon

  3. Oops, make that sunrise, as in "all the world is waiting for the sunrise..."

  4. Love your sunset photos.
    I miss the sunsets at my old house. ;-(

    I also miss the noise of the traffic...a bit. But I quite like the quiet here...does that make sense. I am not sure it does.

    I also miss my friends and neighbors.

    I also miss owning my own home.

    I love minding the grandchildren. And seeing some of them more often.

  5. 1. I've come to believe that the pressure in my head is not sinus related but rather related to dealing with the BS and drama that is currently my life. In other words, I expect an explosion any minute.

    2. Vacation starts tomorrow after work and I'd rather stay at work because the aforementioned drama will be present 24/7 all week long.

    3. I will be bringing wine and a crazy straw to drink it with for Blogfest next month.

  6. 1. I like crickets.

    2. Except when they come into the house.

    3. And then they are hard to catch.

  7. Late to the game... but (1) I am looking forward to some peaceful moments at my family's mountain cabin this weekend because (2) this has been one of the most difficult weeks to be a parent, but (3) I am counting my blessings that my three boys are under one roof right now and don't even care how much they complain about going to the cabin because [see (1) and (2)].


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.