Thursday, September 26, 2013

Three Things

Once again we find ourselves at the day of the week called Thursday (o jueves en espanol), which on this blog is the day dedicated to sharing three thoughts.  The randomer  more random the better, even if you spontaneously erupt into another language (como espanol).  However, if your three thoughts are related, nobody is going to fuss. This is a no fuss, no stress, no drama sort of blog.


Since I can, I'll go first.

1.  Yesterday Mathews High School's boys and girls cross country teams beat Gloucester.  Mathews is a much smaller school than Gloucester, so this is quite an accomplishment.  Daughter ran her personal best, I believe she came in at 27:29 (give or take on the seconds).

2.  Speaking of running, I went for a six-mile jog near Bethel Beach yesterday.  There were no mad dashes from fiddler crabs coyotes, however I did almost run into a goat that had sprung free from his pen.

3.  Baby Sis and I are signed up for the Outer Banks Half Marathon in November.  If it is a fraction of the fun of last year's race, we'll have a blast. Yes, as strange as it sounds, it is possible to have fun jogging 13.1 miles--but only with the right people. Never underestimate the fun that accompanies an out-of-town adventure with Baby Sis.

4.  My three things seem to be related to running and aren't random enough for me.  Therefore I must toss in another thought for good measure. Remember that three is just a suggestion, one I rarely adhere to.

5.  The Guinea Jubilee is this weekend.  For reasons I can't explain, I've never been. It's not that I don't want to go; something always seems to prevent me from going.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective) Daughter's birthday celebration is this weekend, and I feel confident that attending the Guinea Jubilee isn't going to be high on her list of ways to acknowledge turning 15. I'd like it noted for the record that in spite of thousands numerous inquiries as to how she does wish to celebrate, I do not have a solid answer yet.  Maybe if I threaten to take matters into my own hands and announce we're going to Guinea Jubilee, she'll come up with something.

That's it from me.

Now it's your turn to share three or more things. Whatever is on your mind.  Any language thing at all.


  1. Tired. Had the family come to stay a few days. Whew. Exhausting but fun.

    Despite being a record breaking hot spring day I declined the dip in the seemingly freezing pool at daughter's place this afternoon.

    Fitting a family of six into this little place I rented has been an interesting exercise.

    Daughter still waiting for baby number three's arrival.

    Happy Birthday to CBDaughter...hope you enjoy yourselves, we have several birthdays to celebrate around now!

  2. 1. Two of the best pictures I've seen from you! Reflections are upside down reality. They beautifully explain reality.

    2. Glad CBGD is eating away at her best. She is the most determined of us.

    3. Finished planting kale, spinach, and lettuce for fall. Now to keep the cats out of the garden.

  3. 1. Cats will NEVER be kept out of Chesapeake Bay Mother's garden. Not gonna happen.
    2. Kudos to Chesapeake Bay Daughter for breaking her own personal best. And Happy Birthday wishes.
    3. The Guinea Jubilee is a hoot, although it was better when it was in the Plaza Pharmacy parking lot ... and when they had people climb up a greased pole to try to get a $5 bill that was pinned at the top. Funny stuff and true Guinea.

  4. 1. I'm tempted to crash your party this weekend. I won't, but I'm tempted.

    2. My old glasses - all 3 pairs - are working just fine, even if they aren't the most stylish. In fact, I'm wondering now why I got 4 pairs in 4 years. I guess, because I *could*?

    3. It would take more than a $5 bill to get me to attempt to shimmy up a greased pole. a LOT more.

  5. 1) Yeah, no way to keep cats out of the garden, Growing Wild...aka Mamma. :-)

    2) My Gus is sick. Gus is a boxer dog that I rescued from Animal Control. He has had a rough life before now to say the least. I'm glad that he's ended up with me, because no matter what happens, I've made so much progress with this dog and he's been a joy. Don't want to go into too much detail now, but he's not good. But, I'm here for him. And right now I'm very sad......Hope he turns the corner with these new meds. Paws crossed....

    3) CBD and Little Sis have birthdays next week. More reason to celebrate!

    -Middle Sis


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