Friday, October 11, 2013

Blue Skies

It's been raining nonstop forty days and forty nights for what feels like forever, all week.  We were spoiled by a very nice September that brought very few (if any) storms and many days of blue skies and sunshine.  This week, the week I've not worked due to the government shutdown, I've wondered if maybe I should be constructing an ark, which would be better than cleaning out closets, catching up on laundry and organizing my office area. My skill set is as suited to ark building as it is closet cleaning, and building an ark sounds way more fun.

The tides have been unusually high, and there is standing water in the dining room everywhere.  Because of the flooding, the Mathews schools were dismissed at noon yesterday.  They'll decide by noon today whether to cancel this evening's Homecoming festivities. (I believe the chances of a Homecoming parade and football game are as likely as my building an ark returning to work. But I could be wrong.)


In honor of the sun and blue skies, which I hope return soon, I bring you these pictures from brighter days.  The first four are from Bethel Beach; the rest were taken not far from there, just off Old Garden Creek Road.

Have a wonderful weekend filled with blue skies and sunshine.

And send some of that sunshine my way, would you?  Thanks.


  1. Loved the family photos. Sorry that the Homecoming festivities are possibly canceled...may the waters recede soon !

  2. When it rains it pours literally and figuratively. Already I'm in need of another Blogfest

  3. Love the blue skies. I hope Homecoming isn't cancelled because I want to hear all about it, with pics of course.

    No blue skies here...just humid and gloomy.

  4. send those my way please .. we are humid and expecting rain .. feh

  5. As long as that nor'easter stays off shore, I guess the only blue skies we'll see are here on your blog. I'm tired of rain, too. But look on the bright side. It could be ....snow!

    Have a good weekend.

  6. OOps--I mentioned the family photos, but forgot to say that today's blue sky photos are lovely...the first 2 in particular...the reflections create a river of clouds ..who would not want to jump on a cloud and float down the river ? Happy Weekend...


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