Friday, December 6, 2013

Boats III

These were taken from the boathouse at J&M Marina in Deltaville.

This workboat's captain evidently can't be tamed.

He's untamed, and he's unashamed to admit it. 

Opposite Wild Bill's boat sits Miss Kristina.

Kristina looks like she has the potential to have fun, but she's just so tied down right now.

Instead she gazes wistfully at Wild Bill's boat.

These last two shots have nothing to do with the unfolding story of Wild Bill and Kristina.

Just some empty baskets stacked neatly in the corner.  Waiting patiently.

The End.

Have a great weekend.

p.s. If you live in or near Mathews, come out to the high school tonight for the girls' basketball games.  JV starts at 6, and varsity is at 7:30, and we need overzealous enthusiastic crowd participation and support.


  1. Hope you have a great w'e too.

    Just had fun going to a dine in sushi Japanese restaurant , with two small grandchildren. The staff were very helpful, and tried not to laugh out loud! I think the young couple sitting next to the 5 year old were slightly nervous. ;-)

  2. That's interesting. The project boat that I bought in Mathews and am in the process of fixing up was named Kristina..... :)

  3. these are all wonderful .. the perspective of the first is my favorite ..


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