Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Williams Wharf

These were taken a week or so ago from Williams Wharf.

It was one of those rare calm mornings when there wasn't even a ripple on the East River.

This old railway is so photogenic.

I parked here this particular morning to go for a jog.

Williams Wharf Road is exactly a mile from end to end, so it's easy to keep track of your distance. Speaking of distance, Baby Sis and I are scheduled to run 13.1 miles in Nashville a week from Saturday.  I can tell you that I've never been less prepared for a half marathon in my life, but that's OK.

If I have to walk, I'll walk.

Click here for more information on Williams Wharf, which is also the home of the Mathews High School crew teams.


  1. I thought that half-marathon with your sister would be coming up soon. Sounds so exciting, despite your being unprepared. Well, Williams Wharf Road sounds like the place to prepare, when you're not driving other people other places.
    Take care.
    Luv, K

  2. I saw that first photo and exclaimed "ooo..." and continued doing that through all the photos that followed ....the bright blue sky and glassy water...that old bridge is great contrast.
    good luck for the marathon next week; I will be praying for more kilted menz.

  3. wow, great photos.
    such a still day!

    hope you have time for a little more preparation for the marathon, but as you say, you'll enjoy it anyway, I'm sure.

  4. Beautiful photos! I'm sure you'll be fine for the half - you're a natural athlete. I could never approach such a thing in that way; my body would never forgive me.

  5. I love it when the water is that still. I bet it wasn't yesterday or today.

    Loved the photos.


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