Monday, June 9, 2014

Winter Harbor

These were taken Sunday afternoon from the Winter Harbor area.

My Saturday was devoted to yard work, which involved snipping, clipping, bending, reaching, pulling, stooping, scooping, tugging, cussing and more cussing.

For hours on end.

However, I got a lot done.

About halfway through Saturday's yard work, Sunday was declared a Do-Nothing Day--which happily coincided with an invitation from my friend Glenda for another boat ride to the beach near Winter Harbor, where I was able to take a few pictures.

Son and Daughter are officially done with school as of this week, and Son graduates high school on Saturday.

I'm both relieved and......something.

I'm focusing on the relieved part for now.

For now.

1 comment:

  1. wow, summertime,,
    and graduation.
    congratulations to CBson...and to CBW son's Mum!

    It is certainly a new era for you. Thinking of you all, enjoy the future!

    Wished I'd been able to pop down to see you when I had a rush trip to NY with daughter and new baby. It was great to see Daryl briefly.


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