Friday, September 5, 2014


Last Saturday night, Baby Sis came for a visit, and we went out for a ride in the kayaks.

She donned her sun-brero, and we both marveled at the instant peace 
and tranquility that comes with barely skimming the surface of Queens Creek.

We took a spin down the cove which really needs to be renamed
 Heron's Cove--since a heron sighting is almost guaranteed every visit.

Both Middle Sister and Baby Sis will be in town this weekend for Market Days. 

I'm looking forward to seeing them.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend.
    Hope you enjoy it!

  2. One of these years I'm going to make it over there for Market Days. Gotta see that crab race!!! Betsy

  3. It's amazing how sound travels on water, but when you are in or on the water, you can hear the skwalk of a heron or hear a fis jump, but everything else seems to melt away. Ahh, the healing powers of water. Have fun at Market Days!

  4. oh i look forward to your post on market days, i think about the greeting card ideas we had .. wish we'd followed up on that …

  5. have fun with your sisters...should be a riot with you 3 loose...crab hats will go along, I hope ?



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