Monday, September 1, 2014


This sailboat was resting on the East River near Williams Wharf Saturday morning when I went down there for a run.

The clouds in the overcast skies blocked the heat of the sun creating almost perfect running conditions.

Friday they let us off work three hours early.  I came home and took a two-hour nap, I was so exhausted. After a good night's sleep Friday night, Saturday morning's run was just what the doctor ordered.

Later that evening, Baby Sis came in to town and we went kayaking--also what the doctor ordered.

Sunday a group of friends and their children came over for boating and a cookout.  Today I am back to being exhausted but grateful for the fun weekend and a break from commuting and work.

Also, even though it feels like it should be June because where did the summer go, September has arrived.

School starts this week.  There's an away cross country  meet on Wednesday.  We're now officially tethered to the school and sports calendar.



  1. Happy to hear that the wkend was restorative and grandkids start 3rd and 4th grade tomorrow; (apparently they are not going to freeze in time and stay tiny people.) My late step-dad's 100th birthday is today...I don't say "would've been his 100th" since it is still his birthday, regardless of his state of brother treated Mom to a barbecued chicken dinner and his partner made a from-scratch dessert that Mom called a "chocolate swoon" dessert. I just love those men: they know how to make her happy.
    best of luck with the school schedule once again..LLC

  2. How can it be the end of summer already? Oh well.... glad to hear you had a nice weekend. A good nap--a good run--and kayaking! And time with friends! To me, it doesn't get better than that. Betsy

  3. i am refusing to believe summer is over … even the weather here is summery

  4. I love a good nap. You must have really needed that. Glad you had such a good weekend.

    Yeah . . . back to school. Already.


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