Wednesday, January 14, 2015


This morning Mathews awoke to ice and a two-hour school delay.  Tree limbs are snapping off with each gentle puff of wind that happens to pass through the yard.  You can hear them falling all up and down Queens Creek.

Thankfully, I am off from work today and can use this excuse from Mother Nature to finally take down my Christmas tree and catch up on the mundane tasks of daily life that have been neglected since Son's surgery, Christmas, New Year's and then the 50th birthday celebration.

Of course, if the power goes off--as it already has in many parts of the county--I"ll just take that as a sign from Mother Nature to take a nice long nap.

Fingers crossed.  


  1. LOL I haven't taken down my tree yet, either. It may stay up until February this year. Glad you don't have to drive on the ice. It's gorgeous when it coats the trees, that's for sure. Betsy

  2. I love gifts like this . . . surprise time off to do the things that need doing. And your photos are lovely.

  3. My tree came down but I still have some seasonal decor about the house. I convince myself it's "winter" and that doesn't just mean "Christmas." But more than that, I don't know what to put on my hearth after I take my evergreen-thingy off of it.

    Here's hoping your wish came true!

    Sincerely, Schlepped into DC in the Below-Freezing Cold AND Had To Use Dupont Circle North Because The Up Escalators at the South Entrance Were Not Moving

  4. Happy belated 50 and don't take down the Christmas tree.


  5. I'd call the (hypothetical) a perfect napportunity

  6. Just beautiful photos ! Hope it was a restful as well as a productive day;I am sure it was much-needed.

  7. Thanks, FC, for the birthday wishes. It's a shocking number of an age.

    I would have left the tree up, gladly, but Daughter didn't want me behaving like one of our neighbors, who leaves hers up all year in the picture window which stares at us every time we leave our driveway. Wanting to keep peace with Daughter and avoid comparisons with Said Neighbor, I willingly obliged and hoisted the tree back to the dungeon for another 11 months. Not without a few or, shall we say, numerous choice words in the process.


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