Monday, March 2, 2015


Last Wednesday, even though schools were closed because of the snow, Mathews hosted (and defeated) West Point in the first and only game of the district tournament.  That night we received even more snow and later a decision was made to cancel the rest of the tournament.

Thanks to Charlie Koenig of the Gazette Journal for these first two pictures of Daughter in action at that game.  

Regardless, tonight we advance to regional action and travel to California to Parry McCluer High School in Buena Vista, Virginia.

Between injuries and the weather, our girls have had a lot of obstacles thrown their way this season, but they've done a great job in spite of everything.

I look forward to tonight's game.

The cowbell is coming too.


  1. I got a fever... and the only prescription... is MORE COWBELL! Go, MHS!

  2. Safe travels, ladies ! May everything go well in the game..go Lady Blue Devils. Go Maria ! Go cowbell !

    Tried sending this in afternoon but robot captcha system was down...hope all went well...

  3. that cowbell is welcome, too, at Easter services - Burke Presbyterian Church - where everyone is encouraged to Ring (bell).


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