Monday, June 8, 2015

Middle Sister

Diane and I went for a gator ride Sunday afternoon.

Diane, also known as my middle sister, has returned to Mathews to live.

She and I were close growing up and attended the same college.  

After college and way too many several years in Northern Virginia, 
I wound up back in Mathews by choice.

I wanted to be close to my parents, and I also wanted my children to grow up where I did.

Middle Sis has felt the same calling all these years.

And now here she is.

Back home.

Where she belongs.

It's great to have her home.


  1. She looks happy to be back. I hope someday we get to move there, too. It's hard to leave northern VA, but life there is better. At least, that's how it looks based on a visit or two. Time will tell. Betsy

  2. What? No blog about Italian Surfers?

  3. Anonymous, we loved the Italian Surfers! It was great hanging out with y'all, hope you had a good trip home.

  4. heading back to Mad Calf Lane for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.

  5. Very happy news !



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