Monday, June 29, 2015

Scenes from Aarons Beach

In spite of all outward appearances, this blogger blog is still alive, although barely. Last week my internet was down for a few days, but it wasn't as if I had any pictures to share anyway. Since then, however, I made a trip down to Aarons Beach one evening and snapped these and several others I'll post later in the week.

Speaking of later in the week, I apologize in advance for whatever more-inane-than usual gibberish may find its way to this blog the next time I post.  More than likely I will be under the influence of heavy-duty pain medication from the surgery I'm having on Tuesday. Although I am looking forward to some mandated bed rest and any excuse not to have to drive 100 miles a day to and from work, I can't say I'm looking forward to the surgery itself.

Assuming everything goes as it should, though, all of this will soon be behind me, and I can get back to life without fear of a gall bladder attack.  And I'll return to complaining about other things, such as my commute and the weeds that are taking over my yard and the ants that are so rampant in my house they are drafting up an eviction notice they intend to serve me any day now.

Have a great week.


  1. I have a dear friend "donating" half her thyroid to science tomorrow and as I will be sending her good JuJu for her surgery so shall I be sending good JuJu to you for surgery on Tues. I hope it all goes much better than you imagine and I hope you get pampered.
    All the best for this whole week;recovery time, too ! XOXO

  2. Take care of yourself!! Will be thinking of you...

  3. Will be thinking of you and family on Tuesday. Regarding internet service - we had been considering for Mad Calf Lane Gwynn - M e t r o C a s t .

  4. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending you prayers for a speedy recovery. As to your ant invasion, someone posted on FB to mix equal parts confectioners sugar and baking soda. Then place in strategic locations. The ants eat both, then, since ants can't burp, when the baking soda reacts with the acid in their stomachs, (sorry, this is gross) the ants explode. No more ants! Get well soon!

  5. Get well soon. Your gibberish is charming, so I'm looking forward to reading anything you happen to write whether its gibberish or not. And if you want to take some time off from writing that's ok too. Meanwhile, I shall count my blessings that ants can't burp. What a handy design flaw, and learn something new every day. Betsy


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