Friday, July 31, 2015

Winter Harbor

These are a few random shots

taken on my recent boat outing

in the Winter Harbor area.

Vacation (wait, did I actually go on vacation?) feels as if it's in the distant past, as work continues to try to kill me remains steadily hectic.  One day this week I left at 6:15 a.m. and didn't return home until 7:30 in the evening.  That's over 12 hours of sitting between the commute and my office job.

My goal for this weekend is to get outdoors and move.  Vigorously. I'm tired of this sloth-like and lethargic  sedentary existence.

I hope your week has been better and your weekend is a great one.


p.s. One sedentary activity I do have planned for this weekend is a trip to Donk's to see John Berry Saturday night. The one good thing about this is I only have to travel 1.37 miles.  Yee-haw.

1 comment:

  1. Donk's is 4.4 miles from Bay front on Mad Calf Lane. We left the "cottage" late Monday. Friends there this weekend (book club). Right after our marriage 1967 September we wound up at Gwynn's Island family cottage, went to Donk's then and saw movie Elvis "Stay away Joe" (we had the entire movie theater to ourselves). Last time (and first) I went into Donk's.


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