Sunday, October 2, 2016

Put In

A new addition to the bustling, happenin' downtown Mathews Court House scene is a kayak launch on Put-In Creek.

The launch is conveniently located next to the fire department, at the site of the former water treatment plant. There's plenty of free parking available.

(All parking is free in Mathews.  Every inch of it. We have some very interesting parking around here, too.  That should be a topic for another time though.)

One of these days I intend to borrow a truck and take my kayak down here.  As it is, my little Kia Forte isn't quite equipped to handle the transport.

Here lately, I just haven't had time to do anything, really.  Every spare moment seems to be taken up with this or that. I didn't realize just how much this or that there would be after both of my children left for college.

But there's plenty of it.  

This past week, I drove 100 miles round trip each day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday for my normal work commute.  Wednesday I had to take a work-related jaunt to Northern Virginia: 300 miles round trip.  Friday was Daughter's birthday, and she wanted to come home for the weekend.  Tack on another 300 miles, give or take.  That's almost a thousand miles in one week.  That's crazy.

Yesterday, Middle Sister, Baby Sis, their respective boyfriends and I went to the Yorktown Wine Festival on the Yorktown waterfront.  It was hot and humid loads of fun, with live music and lots of wine to be sampled. (Standouts included a chocolate wine and a jalapeno pepper wine.)

My  next weekend trip is in a few weeks, so I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a "normal" amount of time in the car in the near future.  Normal for someone who lives in Mathews and works an hour away, anyway.

Happy October! Christmas will be here before you know it.

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