Monday, December 12, 2016

Mathews Christmas Parade

Saturday afternoon, the state of Alaska Mathews County hosted a Christmas parade.

(It was a bitterly cold--but otherwise beautiful--sunny day.)

My friend Alda wasn't in the parade, but, no matter where she goes, 
Alda pretty much is her own parade.  

Lisa's daughter Malia marched with the MHS cheerleaders. 

It was great to see so many friendly faces. 

Laura Lane 

As usual, there were some creative floats.

Our county supervisors were definitely on board.

This isn't your run-of-the-mill Christmas parade.

No siree.

The Abominable Snowman made an appearance.

So did Charlie Brown.  
And his tree! 

The Grinch was sporting some mighty fine shoes. Mighty fine, I tell you.

There were tractors young and old.

Big and bigger.

Lots of smiling, happy faces.

And plenty of children.

This isn't something you see every day...

The equestrian entries were elegant.

Glenda, Betsy and Alda.  And Alda's hat.
(Note to Self:  Self? Get one of those hats!)

Mathews County Visitor & Information Center's Director Jonathan Putt sips something warm while watching the parade. I recently had the honor of being asked to serve on MCVIC's board and look forward to helping the county's tourism efforts in any way possible.  

A good time was had by all!


  1. Oh! You BELONG on that board! What a wonderful opportunity! :-) - meg (posting as Anonymous because my firewall at work won't let me post under Google)

  2. Great photos - thanks for sharing!

  3. OMG the Grinch's shoes! Made my whole day

  4. Oh,what a wonderful parade! Thank you for sharing!


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