Sunday, May 7, 2017

May Faire 2017

Saturday was an interesting day in Mathews.  The inaugural May Faire, devoted to springtime, May Queens, funnel cakes, clam chowder, and local history from 1600-1791, was launched.  

OK, so it wasn't necessarily devoted to funnel cakes and clam chowder. But from my booth, that's pretty much how I saw it.  The frigid brisk winds kept ushering the smells of food my way, making it very difficult to stay focused on telling passersby about the lovely items for sale in the Mathews County Visitor and Information Center.

In addition to a working blacksmith, an archaeological dig, musical performances and funnel cakes a pound cake competition, there were representatives from the Wolf Creek Cherokee Museum in Henrico on hand to talk about their culture.

This was sort of like a mini-Market Days, spring time edition. 

I sat at the Visitor Center booth with my friend and across-the-creek neighbor Frances.  

We were lucky enough to be situated right next to Ed Jordan and his wife, who is a remarkable artist.

They came to Mathews several years ago, all the way from Idaho!

Although the day was way too windy! brisk, and there was an episode or two of light rain, the foot traffic was light but steady.  Former May Queens (CBW represented the class of 1982) were recognized and Bayside Youth Ballet performed maypole dances.  

A good time was had by all.


  1. Here is my comment. I really enjoy reading and viewing yours - been away for awhile (including 18 days for trip to and from Kenya, 2017) income taxes, that sort of thing. Thank you. Our grand-niece (Renee, about to graduate from U Va) went down to Mad Calf LN on the bay shore, Gwynn.

  2. The "May Faire 2017" was quite good! The Maypole dance was great, as were the booths and food. It was a time to see old friends and meet new ones! And we did both! Thanks to all who planned, nurtured, and carried out the May Faire!


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