Monday, August 20, 2018


Since returning to work in early June, I've not been able to sleep until ten like I want been getting up around 5:45 a.m. each day.  5:45 in the summer time is not nearly as bad as 5:45 in the winter, when it's dark and depressing and Mother Nature is giving a very clear sign that we're supposed to be asleep, because:  DARK. 

It doesn't seem so harsh, 5:45 that is, when I can glance out the back door and see the sun and her stunning colors letting everyone know it's officially daylight.

Although I'd still like to sleep until about ten I'd usually prefer to stay in bed a bit longer, there's just something a little bit energizing and rewarding about having the sun to greet you first thing.

I hope your week is full of sunshine.


  1. Have you ever considered having some of your photos put in a gallery setting? You are either a fantastic photographer or you live in the most beautiful place on earth ( or both!!!). You posted photos in Feb. of 6 swans that had swam up your creek and into your cove and OMG I swooned !! The last pic in this post of the sunrise just took my breath away !!! You rock Lady !!! Linda in Tn.

  2. so every morning i wake around 4AM ... i just do, i try hard to go back to sleep ... but the cats start complaining about wanting to be fed around 4:30 ..i refuse, refuse, will not get up before 5 ... over the years my bedside clock which i dont use or need as an alarm - see i get up at 4 all on my own stupid internal body clock schedule - the bedside clock is running fast and those cats know it .. i bet they reset it anyway i drag my flat ass outta bed at 5, feed them to shut them up and then my day begins .. i am at the office by 6:45 .. seriously is it any wonder that i am falling asleep by 9 PM? and weirdly enough i prefer the dark winter mornings the quiet streets are so soothing....

  3. We ran Presbyterian partnership Kenya mission trips 2013 (15 members), 2015 (eight), and 2-15 August 2019 (nine) since we were at the Gwynn's Island cottage "the Perch" -

  4. LOVE these photos and that's the best view around.


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