Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Pelicans, Etc.


I've been going to Aaron's Beach for years, and this is the first time I've ever seen a pelican there.

Cormorants like to hang out here. But pelicans?  Not usually.

These cute little white birds are always here, too.  I will rely on Deltaville Jamie to provide the proper technical term, because even though she told me once before, I've already forgotten.

And this concludes our brief glimpse at birds who like to hang out at Aaron's Beach.  Speaking of which, my last name is German for bird, and I absolutely adore hanging out at Aaron's Beach.




  2. mer-I swear I don't know how you find these things, but they're always perfect. Thank you for that laugh first thing in the morning.

  3. Those are terns, I'm pretty sure the very ones mentioned in the Bethel Beach information as colonial nesting birds. I saw a pelican there myself last October.

  4. Oh you got a pic of a Pelican! Yay!:)
    When a flock flies past, it always reminds me of the flying monkies in the Wizard of Oz. I know, I'm strange.
    Your Aaron Beach is just wonderful!

  5. The pelican figured there must be something fun going on since you showed up!

  6. Maybe the pelican is there on vacation!

  7. no chit... yesterday while doing 3 hours of yard work, my mind drifted back to when the DH and I went on our honeymoon to St Martin...One of the most vivid things I was remembering was sitting at this little outside restaurant by the water having a nice afternoon cocktail and a light lunch and this pelican came and perched right next to us on a piling...and then today this...I swear I'm psycho, I mean psychic...

    wv: salce: I hope you find some salce in your life soon...

  8. They are all birds of a feather....OK I'm going now.

  9. Arent they Terns? Cousins of gulls?

    I think the pelican took a wrong turn at the Gulf ;-)

    Allysin .. if you need her (VW)

  10. I've never seen an actual LIVe pelican! How exciting! All I have heard about them is that they have seriously stinky breath. Can you confirm?

    I did, however, slip in the goose-shit-of-thousands this morning and land (or bounce) right on my rump. Good thing it is so well padded, eh? This, however, is GOOD news, as it means the geese are migrating, which in turn means that SPRING is coming!!!

    Migrating except for Gustav, of course. You can keep him.

  11. So THAT's why you are who you are. It's all in a name, isn't it? Wonderful ~


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