Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three Things

Today is Three Thing Thursday, where I share three things, and then hopefully you do too.

Except today I don't have three things to share.

Rather, I have lots to share but am much too tired overwhelmed by this week that will never end to do so.

So I leave you with three pictures of the lovely Chesapeake Bay.

This last one, of seemingly nothing yet anything but, is my favorite. I find its lack of busy-ness very soothing and could write a book on just how complex this seemingly simple picture actually is (at least to me).

Now it's your turn to share three things.  Whatever is on your mind.  Your cares, your worries, your joys, your sorrows. Whatever happens to be on your mind.  

Happy Thursday.


  1. 1. One year ago today, my dearest Mom passed over, from this life to eternal rest...

    2. I miss her dearly and find myself crying for her at least once a week,

    3. I don't think you ever get over losing someone that close

    4. I can't sleep...

    wv: disted: disted make the heart grow fonder...

  2. 1. i think i belong in the 2nd grade.
    2. Because i think boys have cooties.
    3. I think I shall practice non practicing.

  3. I'm going to save these pictures to my computer so I can go see them whenever I need a bay break...all that's missing smell-a-vision though I thought I got a whiff...

    When I was in college my freshman year and HOMESICK BEYOND WORDS...I would not drive down to either bay as I knew if I did I'd never go back...when I got home for the summer I did that first thing....SO HEALING....

  4. @Maria, I'm so sorry for your loss. The anniversaries are hard, though time makes them a little easier to bear.

    I don't have enough space here to offer the three things I'd like to spill, but if you could just arrange for me to spend THREE HOURS in a beach chair with that third view of the Bay - alone, nothing to read, just ALONE - it would probably do my soul a world of good.

  5. 1. Maria, I am so sorry for your loss.. I have also been grieving a past loss of my own this week, it is so very hard.. and it's always OK to cry, I think of it as therapy.

    2. Meg, I am sooooo with you on that one...

    3. 2 weeks and 6 days to go... YAAYYYYY!!!

  6. 1.Maria- sorry for your loss. Lost my grandmother in June and it's still hard especially when dealing with life's woes lately. She was the one person who always sided with me... even if I was wrong. I miss that.

    2. I love that last photo and have been clicking my heels all morning trying to get there. It isn't working.

    3. I miss having continuous internet connection at home. "Sharing" wifi with the neighbor isn't very fast or consistent and sharing my dad's computer is frustrating. I need to find my own place ASAP.

  7. 1. The hunt for an old farmhouse and land cheap as a 2nd place is consuming my every thought. Did I put on deodorant this morning? Uh, anyway...

    2. All I think about is an old farmhouse and land for cheap. Sniff, yea I did.

    3. Anyone know of an old farmhouse and land for cheap?

  8. Maria, so sorry for your loss. Life is never the same after the loss of a loved one -

    I wish I was walking on that lovely beach (that is my new goal - to walk a few miles each day and see if that helps my stupid panic attacks). Then I would sit for a while, watching the waves.

    We each need that picture, so we can dream out dreams! I think I will save it to my screen savers if you don't mind?

    wv: lardlymi Me after this cold snowy winter

  9. 1. First time in my life I had to get a filing extension from the IRS .. someone's procastination has been enabled.

    2. Yesterday I was having lower back spasms, today its moved up into that place just below the scapula which means every breath I take = YIKES

    3. I think I will spend some time just looking at your next book inspiration ..

    Watch out for the frerfist (WV) it come at you out of nowhere ..

  10. 1. Prayers for peace and fond memories for Maria NJ

    2. The same for Daryls back spasm...I can relate.

    3. Devastated finding out a dear friends ten yr. old nephew has just been dx with osteosarcoma with more tumors in his lungs.

    4. Thankful that we have such beautiful and serene pictures of the Chesapeake Bay to sooth our souls.

  11. 1. Maria - I'm so sorry;

    2. It has not snowed today (yippee!) and there are patches of earth showing (double yippee!);

    3. Puppy will only crap on snow. This is (I hope!) shortly going to become a problem for her;

    3a. Three HOURS on the beach, Meg? Right now I would settle for even three minutes....

  12. 1. ((hugs)) Maria
    2. I feel ya Daryl! Damn a spasm!
    3. Jamie, come live with me!

  13. 1. Is my red house still there?
    2. I could come help you.
    3. Help you drink wine, that is.

  14. 1. Love the photos, very peaceful.
    2. Baby arrived Sunday
    3. All well.

  15. lu1. I day dreamed I was a cast-a-way on Gilligan’s Island.
    2. I met a girl with a lot of tattoos and I liked them.
    3. I talked with a total stranger for a really long time.
    4. I wanted to drive my car right through the house and drag some furniture down road while it was tied to my car


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.