Monday, December 12, 2011

Mathews Christmas Parade, Part One

Saturday was filled with festivities here in Mathews County.

I graduated from high school with this guy.
In fact, it seemed as if all  many of the MHS Class of 1982 were either driving, riding or marching in this parade.
You can call us eccentric, and we embrace the label.
(Con mucho gusto.)

My first-ever book signing, which was Saturday at the Mathews County Visitor Information Center (formerly Sibleys), provided ample opportunity to peruse the merchandise and get to know the people working there.

If you are in search of a unique Christmas present,  the Visitor Center has plenty, and it's all made here in Mathews County.

I saw so many customers walk out the door with special pieces of Mathews-made art.

I was so engrossed in conversation and the goings-on inside the Visitor Center, I missed the beginning of the parade.

Nevertheless, I made a mad dash outside with my camera just in time to snap these photos.

Horses are my favorite, and there were at least four in this year's parade.

The MHS  Marching Band

More horses, along with a man not afraid to don a unique hat, con mucho gusto.

More photos from the parade will go up tomorrow.

But back to the book signing.

What a blast!

Not only did I see old friends, but I met Commenter Dghawk who has been a regular here ever since the whole DIY Network/Blog Cabin thing was going on. She drove all the way to Mathews, sight unseen, just for the event. What a pleasure to finally meet her after all this time.  Thank you, Dghawk, for taking the time out of your Saturday to travel to Mathews!

I also met a gentleman with a close connection to Beachland.  He and I had previously exchanged several e-mails about the history of the family and the house, but I never anticipated meeting him so soon. What a grand surprise! Bill, it was great meeting you.

Other notable visitors included two former teachers; about half the class of 1982 several alumni from  Mathews High School's class of 1982; parents of people I grew up with; other folks I hadn't seen in years; and new people simply in love with Mathews County.

 I had so much fun, I may volunteer in the Visitor Center on a regular basis, seriously.

Regarding the book, I am very deeply indebted to Elsa and Charlie of the Gazette Journal, our local paper.  The vast majority of the information for the book came from the Gazette Journal's  archives, and they very graciously granted me unlimited access to their photographs and information. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I cannot begin to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported this endeavor known as The Book, not just through purchases but also through your kind words all along this journey and particularly at Saturday's signing.

Just thank you.

 Stay tuned for more photographs of friends in Saturday's parade from Saturday's parade.


  1. So Happy that you had such a great book signing, meeting so many old and new friends and getting to watch a parade!
    Two questions Did you wear a Santa Hat? and How was the dance?

  2. CBW, I am so excited for you. The book coming into print was phase one, but this book signing made it really Official, held in Mathews itself. Dghawk shared her adventure into Mathews on the BC blog. She loved meeting you, and she is so captivated by the town and all the people she saw there; she just fell in love with it all.
    Thanks for posting the parade photos; it captures the flavor of the event. Abrazos.

  3. Glad your book signing was a success! Sorry I couldn't make it in person but my Mom came through for me. I can't wait to get my hands on it! Thanks for the autograph.

  4. I love that volunteer center! And you should volunteer there. You know, with all that spare time you have. gah

    And I saw nary a crab hat in that parade...

  5. That guy was also featured in the Heritage Day Parade in the 'Ville. In the same "point at you" pose. I love consistency. Glad the signing went well and sorry I didn't make it down there :( I grumbled about it most of the weekend. The Brat Child is on a "when are we going to water-sand to see your friend Janice and her grandmother's mean goose how 'bout next week" kick. And no offense to the lovely CBMumma... my mother is Grandma too. Apparently "moms" don't have moms themselves, they have grandmothers. Whatever.

  6. You'll have books to sign when you get here too .. bring your crab hat!

  7. Oh that looks like so much fun...I love horses too, but I am a little afraid of them!

    glad that the signing went well...

  8. Glad to hear the book signing went so well!

    The parade looks like a lot of fun!

  9. So dang excited for you. My copy should be here today! Maybe I can mail it to you for a signing? :) Love ya, girl!

  10. I just wanted to thank you again for a WONDERFUL Saturday. I think I had a smile on my face the rest of the day! Now that I have a map, I can't wait to see more.

  11. Congratulations on the book signing. My copy should get here from Amazon on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    The parade looks like it was fun. Lots of Characters in that little town!

  12. deborah-I had both the Santa hat AND the crab hat in my bag, but it was too warm inside the building to wear a hat. Plus, I was a little nervous...

    LLC-Thank you. There's lots to like about this county, and Saturday is a prime example of why I love living in a small town.

    Trinia - It was great seeing your parents! I appreciate their support and yours too.

    MPM-Indeed there was no crab hat in that parade. Might have to change that next year...

    DJ-I am now not sure this is the guy from my class, but he sure looks like him. Regardless, he appeared to be enjoying himself.

    Daryl-I will definitely bring the crab hat and perhaps an extra!

    Maria and Trisha -Thanks, it was fun.

    Tracy-Bring it to Blog Fest 2012 and I'll sign it then...thanks for your support.

    DGhawk-It was so nice of you to drive all the way here, I truly appreciate it. Can't wait for you to come back and get the Grand Tour.

    Windsmurf-This place is jam packed with characters! So many.


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