Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Foggy Morning

These trees border the dirt lane leading to Church Hill Plantation off Route 14 in Gloucester.  I took these after delivering Chesapeake Bay Daughter to school (which is directly across the road) during a particular spell when there was lots of fog each morning.

This mercifully brief blog post is brought to you by an extremely busy Tuesday that began at 5:30 a.m. and didn't end until after 11:00 p.m.

After work I headed to King William for a track meet, where so much happened I wouldn't know where to begin. The various stories, which I'll share when there's more time, were as full of twists and turns as the never ending two-lane Indian trail highway which leads from West Point to King William and back.

There are two Indian reservations along that road, so it's actually quite probable that it was an Indian trail at some point.  FYI, driving in the dark on a former Indian trail when you've been up since 5:30, worked all day, and just spent 3 hours standing alongside a track in bitterly cold weather is challenging at best.

The foreseeable future promises to be just as exhausting busy and exciting.  In addition to Saturday's 10K in Richmond, followed by CB Daughter's party that evening, I'll be going on a little excursion out onto the waters of Mathews in what is bound to be an adventure, if it all works out.

Getting back to the topic at hand which to be honest I didn't think where was a particular topic being focused on started off as Church Hill Plantation,  click here for a previous blog post that includes an overview of Church Hill's infamous ghost story.


  1. whew! I'm tired just reading about your day! Take care and have a better Wednesday!

  2. Paint eyeballs on your upper lids and take a snooze at work,LOL ...seriously---rest up, girl.Keep as warm as possible the rest of the week and sneak a nap somehow ?

  3. Is Church Hill the one where the girl was buried alive? I'll have to follow the link and check it out. I had a long day at soccer, I feel your pain.

  4. so beautiful .. it could be a painting ...

  5. I always wonder what it looks like from the other side. Might call for a paddle sometime.

  6. This is the view I looked at while I lived there. Once I saw thirteen deer running in a huge circle in that field you show. It mesmerized me and I still wonder why they did such a thing.

  7. That fog looks eery. I remember those mornings, except I was driving to work in the dark. I was so afraid a deer was going to jump out in front of me and it seemed to take FOREVER to make that 20 minute drive!

    Absolutely gorgeous photos.

    To WOW: Maybe they were playing Ring-around-the-Rosy.

  8. Oh, beautiful photos, CBW! Excellent.


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