Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Osprey Cam

Osprey nest on channel marker near Gwynns Island Bridge.

Coinciding with the ospreys' return from lavish winter vacations in places such as the Caribbean and South America, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science at Gloucester Point recently announced something very exciting: Osprey Cam!

Click here to view a real-time feed (during daylight hours) straight from an osprey nest along the York River at Gloucester Point.

Click here to read more about the project and these fish-eating birds; or here to read about their migration patterns--which mirror the exact flight path I'd choose to take during the winter months if I were able to escape.

(I'd select Bora Bora as the ideal destination but not if I have to fly there myself. As in fly by flapping wings.  Flying by myself on a plane doesn't deter me at all.  Flapping my wings all the way there, if I even had wings, has to be brutal. Not that I've ever done it. Of course. Let's return to the topic at hand which had absolutely nothing to do with humans flapping nonexistent wings or Bora Bora.)

Aside from having to catch and eat live fish, and maybe tending to eggs, and a nest, and then having to feed baby birds all day long, and not having access to the internet--I'm pretty sure I want to be an osprey, if only to take advantage of the southern migration in the winter months.

Last but not least, click here if you'd like to suggest names for the nesting pair.

How exciting!

Who says it's boring around here? CBW put your hand down.

This whole Osprey Cam thing will keep me entertained for months.

p.s. These photos are from previous years, however the ospreys on Queens Creek are back in full force and can be seen nesting on the channel marker at the mouth of the creek near Cow Point.

Osprey nest in Redart


  1. Very exciting. I used to see ospreys a lot before I moved to Alberta. There were several nests across the river from me, and I loved to watch them fly.
    On the coast of BC there are many eagle cams, so fans can watch bald eagles raise their young.
    What a great educational and educational use of the internet!
    Right now we're in California (poor us) and we leave for a Mexican cruise on Friday (poor us) so I might not have internet access next week. Will be home right after Easter and try to catch up.

  2. I love to watch the ospreys. They are so entertaining and work so hard to get that nest just right. It always gives me hope when I see them return because you know Spring is almost here. Of course, we never really had a winter this year anyway!
    Good luck on your 10k and have fun!

  3. I didn't know they went on vacation. I saw one on the dock yesterday and he had a fish. They are the best fliers other than the bald eagles.

    I'll tune in to osprey cam immediately!

  4. I'm a nerd, I will definitely be on the osprey cam. They are one of my favorite birds. Sadly, I haven't seen any signs of the nesting pair we had near our house in Deltaville. I think the construction drove them away :(

  5. I enjoy the animal/bird web cams and will watch this one today!
    How is the running going? Isn't your race soon?

  6. I loved watching the ospreys when we lived on the boat. Beautiful birds, next to the Bald Eagle. I already have the VIMS link in my favorites. I have also been watching the "Eagle Cam" sponsored by the Richmond Times Dispatch. This nest is on the James somewhere in Richmond. James and Virginia's two eggs hatched a week ago Friday. Really fun to watch. The bigger chick is a meany, though. He/she keeps picking on the other one. If you google "Eagle Cam", there are quite a few to watch.

    Can't wait for the osprey to have their babies.

  7. Hi I have been so stinkin busy, life is really getting in the way...my oldest sister is in the hospital, they think she had a heart attack but found out that her heart is "misfiring"... been really busy with work and other family stuff...I'm quoting you...Calgon take me away....

  8. Here's the link for the Richmond eagle cam. Hope it works!


  9. The osprey at Bethel Beach are back too!

  10. Kay - Have FUN on your cruise!

    Trinia - Thanks for writing. The race is Saturday...we shall see.

    WOW - Yep, not sure if every single last one of them migrates but evidently most of them do. I definitely noticed their absence on the creek this summer. Now they're extremely vocal in the evenings, eager to catch their dinner.

    DJ-But you're a cool nerd. Way cool. We need your intelligence on this blog to keep me straight and help fill in all the gaps, of which there are many.

    Deborah - Saturday...it's this Saturday (she says as she cringes because she's not ready). Going to Richmond on Friday, running Saturday morning, then racing back home to host too many 13- and 14-year-olds for a party. Serenity now.

    DGH-I'll have to check out that eagle cam- thanks for the link!

    Maria - So sorry to hear about your sister, I hope she improves soon. If the Calgon doesn't work, try a glass of wine.

    FM-Good to know. Haven't been all the way down that end of the beach in some time. Need to go check 'em out.

    MPM-Yes they are.

    The longest day in the history of days is not even over yet. Left the house at 6:30 a.m.; returned at 9:30 p.m. Work then track meet in King William, which may as well be in Oklahoma the drive is so long. Serenity now...serenity now.

    Not sure there will be a new post this evening. Need to decompress and get myself ready for work tomorrow.

    Thanks so much for writing/reading!

  11. Thanks for sharing the link to the VIMS osprey cam. The Center for Conservation Biology, also at William and Mary, has launched Opsrey Watch (osprey-watch dot org) for those who want to help monitor the osprey population in your area.


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