Thursday, October 18, 2012


For various reasons, my heart just hasn't been in to blogging this year week, but right now it's my mother's heart I'm worried about.

As I type this Wednesday evening, she and my father are on their way home from the ER in Gloucester.  Her blood pressure was dangerously high (top number was 180--can't remember what my father said the lower number was).  She's had heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat for several weeks now.

Thankfully they were able to get the blood pressure down enough to release her, but she has more appointments today.

Hopefully the doctors will get the beat and the blood pressure under control.  I'm still suffering post-traumatic stress syndrome from my son's surgery, so I'm not ready for another sick family member.

Feel better soon, Chesapeake Bay Mother. We love you.


Click here for her latest blog post with pictures of my Great Aunt Nellie, who looks more like my mother's sister than my favorite grandmother's sister.


  1. sending good thoughts and keeping you and your mother in my prayers...

  2. CBW, I so sympathize with you having gone through my mom's angioplasties and also surgery to remove plaque from her carotid artery... I am so lucky that Mom is thriving at 88 years old. I send prayers your mom's way...she is one of those special, witty people I have come to adore.
    I am sorry your family has this crisis so soon after Sam's surgery--why do challenges seem to pile on themselves at the worst times ? We are all ( including my elderly dog with heart disease ) using Hawthorne tea and Hawthorne extract drops--to strengthen heart-- & kidneys too. (Extensively tested & clinically researched, or I would not try it.)
    Sending loving thoughts to all your family..< be well, CB Momma !> X O

  3. Thinking of all of you and keeping you all in my prayers. It's been a hell of a few months. One major (and I seriously mean major) issue after another, for not only me, but a good many of my close friends too. Feel better soon CBMumma!

  4. Hello Janice, so sorry to hear that Mom is having some health issues...sending a prayer up for her right now...

    I know it is such a worry when the parents get sick...hang in there and try to think good thoughts...m


  5. Sending thoughts your way CBW for all the family. God bless.
    ps Your photos are very sharp lately. New camera? Very nice anyway.

  6. Oh no! You have definitely had more than your fair share of family health issues. Sending you strength and prayers. Hope all goes well.

  7. Update: She's doing much better today after receiving some new medication from the doctor.

    Annie-No, it's the same old camera, still plugging away.

    Happy Friday Eve to all and thanks for your words of support.

  8. glad i read today's post first ...

  9. Hi Chesapeake Bay Woman,

    I just happened on to your excellent blog and while reading came upon this page.

    The photos are of the shop and "marina" that my brother, Allen Hudgins, built from 1974-77. I helped him in some of the build and brought him a bunch of tools and shop equipment from a business that I had sold in Indiana. We were going to run the business together (Hudgins Marine) but I was just too young and used to bigger faster places so I moved to California.

    I grew up in the house that is just to the left of these photos and my grandmothers house is right beside it.

    Thanks for posting these photos as they bring back back my times there.

    Note: the pine tree in the photos was there when I was a kid and it was quite old and big then. Matter of fact my parents called the place "Lone Pine" when they were building the house. (This was circa 1957.)

    Once again thanks and best regards,

    Richard Hudgins

  10. Richard, thank you for commenting and for providing the background on these pictures. I know the houses you reference.

    I completely understand about being young and needing a faster pace. There were flames at my heels when I graduated high school - couldn't get out of here fast enough. Now, though, it's perfect. I can't imagine living anywhere else.

    Thanks again for writing and sharing your story, I love it when I can reconnect people with Mathews.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.