Friday, October 19, 2012

This and That

This heron

and this guy (or gal?)

were lurking in this marsh

at Aaron's Beach.

Unrelated to any of that, my mother is feeling much, much better thanks to some new medicine.  She goes in three weeks for shock treatment cardioversion (the shock to treat irregular heartbeat) and hopefully will be good as new.  She's already talking about our next family vacation.  I'm wondering if she'd consider Bora Bora...

Have a great weekend.


  1. Soooo happy to hear Wild on Waverly Woman is feeling better--great relief for all ! Hugs to her and to you.

  2. so glad to hear your mother is feeling better! Wonderful!!

  3. Glad to hear Mama's on the mend! Hang in there, CBW. I totally understand the PTSD with regard to kids in the hospital.

  4. Glad to hear that Mom is feeling better...

    my sister had the same thing, irregular heartbeat and they had to put in a pacemaker to keep the rhythm going, she has been fine with it ever was really no big deal for her, hoping that whatever they have to do to your mama works!!

    have a wonderful weekend...

  5. Good news .... with a heart as big as her's its good its gonna be working better soon

  6. Phew! Maybe she should come to OBX...

  7. So very very happy to hear your mom the wild Waverly Woman is feeling better. Made my day to hear that. Betsy

  8. I didn't know she was unwell. I don't get out enough anymore, but am glad to hear that she's getting better. your photos today are wonderful to look at. I miss the water birds and the pond from where we used to live. But c'est la vie, right?


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