Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Parade Part I

This weekend was a flurry of flurriness* starting with the Mathews Christmas parade on Saturday.

John Deere made an appearance or two in the parade.

Our Grand Marshal

Among other things, Nelda handles the county's Meals on Wheels program.
Her driver Mr. Gibbs was my high school geography teacher.
They are both wonderful people who also happen to be avid runners.

Heavy duty farm equipment followed by the Gloucester Chic-Fil-A cows.

Mathews High School Class of 1982 is always well represented in this parade.
This is Glenda Burroughs and one of her two beautiful daughters.

Daughter Two waves.

This was one of my favorite entrants.  A boat with pirates.
And parrots. And turtles. And....

This group gets two claws up from Chesapeake Bay Woman.

In this picture is Craig Lewis (brown jacket and hat, click here and here for 
past posts featuring his mad boating skillz); 
Scooter Ransone in the blue jacket; and in the far background wearing the red jacket talking to bystanders rather than 
marching in the parade is MHS Class of 1982 representative #2, Sterling Ransone.

(He's also known as Dr. Ransone.)

Not until this float went by did I notice the best part.

This child's body language captured what a few of us on the sidelines
were feeling due to the drizzle and the cold.

This was my favorite.

Mathews High School Class of 1982 Entrant #3:  Alda Hudgins Barnett.

Looking befuddled.  Daughter Betsy looks on.

Yes, here in Mathews we still have (in the background) signs boasting "high test" gasoline.

Miss Betsy Barnett

At this point during the parade it started to sprinkle, hence the blurred spots in the picture above.  Nevertheless I kept taking pictures and will share them, along with pictures from Saturday night's Holly Ball, later this week.


*Flurriness is a word I just invented which, loosely translated, means too much flurry for one's own good much less one weekend.


  1. I'm surprised the person who drives his riding mower to Hardee's wasn't in the parade.

  2. I'm just stunned that someone got an MG running to the point where it could be driven in a parade!

  3. Wonderful, CBW.
    I agree, the horse-drawn entry is my favourite, too.
    Gotta love a good old-fashioned parade. Decorated cars, decorated horses, a decorated pony, and lots of little kids on floats.
    If I hadn't seen Mathews for myself, I'd think it was a place in a dream of days gone by, like Brigadoon.
    Love it.
    Season's Greetings (too early for Merry Christmas) to you and your family.
    Luv, K

  4. Antlers on a school bus, lots of people you know, and crab hats !! Does not get any better than a hometown parade like this.

  5. there is a lot of flurriness happening here right now

  6. Only in Mathews, yes. These are so fun.


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