Friday, December 13, 2013


Mathews Court House--which refers to our "downtown" commercial area as opposed to the courthouse which refers to the place where court is held--has some quirky interesting signs.

For example, most people might call the space between Hudgins Pharmacy and the old French's pool hall an alley.  But not us.

We designate it a walk and give it a name:  Farmers' Fishermen's Walk.  (Although Mathews has more than its fair share of farmers and fishermen, it's pretty much guaranteed you won't see any if you happen to find yourself promenading along Farmers' Fishermen's Walk.  Hudgins drug store used to be the Farmers' and Fishermen's Bank. That part I understand.  I'm struggling with the "walk" part though, I can't lie.)

This is it.  The Walk. For best results, walk slowly. You don't want to miss anything!

Once you've walked the three steps to cut through the alley experienced The Walk, you'll find lots of interesting businesses on the other side.

It's always preferable to heal locally.  

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus--and Mathews does indeed have a film society.

This concludes our brief trip around the block in Mathews Court House.

Be sure to head down to the Court House on Saturday at 1 for the annual Christmas parade, which they say will be held rain or shine.  I'll be hanging out around Sutton & Kline (also known as Moughon's) with my trusty camera.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Thank you for the tour ! The great talent that Dylan Eastman(of Courthouse Construction in Mathews) has proved so indispensable to the DIY network after he worked on the Mathews Blog Cabin, he has also worked on the last 2 projects. He has gone to Maine and this past year to North Carolina, and remodeled 2 more incredible DIY Blog Cabin homes. You and Dylan may be among the most famous natives of Mathews!

  2. I read the "Massage & Yoga" sign as "Massacre & Yoga". I think there's something wrong with my brain. Or my glasses. Probably my brain. One of these days I'll manage to wander the walks of the Court House. I have all these grand plans but I never manage to do them. I guess I'll just need to take a weekend to go putter around all the places I keep talking about puttering in. Enjoy the parade. It will be snowing here. Again. Please note my utter lack of enthusiasm.


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