Thursday, December 24, 2009

Three-Thing Thursday

Here we have a shot of the always-lovely Chesapeake Bay and Aaron's Beach in winter. I wish I could say I took this recently, but the only thing I've taken recently is an arthritis-strength Tylenol.

When did Christmas become something which requires a shot of vodka pain relievers?

Thankfully, it's Three-Thing Thursday, where I share three random things, and you share three things, whatever you want, anything at all.

Let's begin.

1. Not only is today Christmas Eve, but it's my mother's birthday. I'm responsible for the birthday/Christmas Eve dinner.

2. While I rotted toiled away at work this week, my children surprised me by putting up a few outdoor decorations. This entailed miles many, many yards of extension cord from the house to the lane. The end result was a blow-up, motorcycle-riding Santa Claus to the left of the driveway, and a race-car Santa (complete with pit crew) on the right.

3. There is something very wrong with my computer but so far I've been able to patch it together to create this post. This on top of the existing stress (see above about Christmas Eve and dinner) is really cruel and unusual punishment. If you don't hear from me, you'll know the computer has finally been thrown in the bottom of Queens Creek where it belongs decided it's had enough.

Now it's your turn. Tell me three (or more) things. Whatever you want. Anything at all. Your hopes, your dreams, your worries, your Whatevers. You might also add a line which tells me where I might find a free an inexpensive new computer after I take an axe to this one.


  1. 1. I am sure you will do a terrific job of handling all the necessary stress today, and come up with a wonderful dinner for your Mum and all tonight. I have every confidence in you.

    2. I have had pneumonia.

    3. I am sure someone will point you in the right direction for a new computer. People are good like that. I do enjoy my, relatively inexpensive little laptop. Of course, it has to have ext hard drives, and DVD etc. Presume one could use a printer from it also.

    5. Have a not too wild and wonderful Christmas cbw. Thinking of you!

  2. 1. i am NOT ready.. at all.

    2. I am exhausted.

    3. Is it Sunday yet.

  3. I am sooo driving by now!!!

    Kitty Litter:)

  4. 1. I have a Dell laptop that I bought just over 3 years ago on credit. Had it all paid off within a few months. They have deals now and I saw one for around $500. I'd also get an external hard drive for your photos. They're around $100.

    2. If I lived closer to you, I would have been able to help you get everything ready for the dinner, wrap some gifts for you (I love to wrap) and just be there. Hey, is that house still for sale down the street? Kidding. I need to be here.

    3. I don't have a thing to give my husband except some cologne he likes. I never know what to get him.

  5. 1. Happy Happy Birthday Chesapeake Bay Mama!!!

    2. I want a picture of the blow up decorations.

    3. I just found my thank you notes I wrote to you all for the Oyster Fest. Under a stack of stuff to do before the end of the year. Gah.

  6. 1. Let's go with inflatable decorations instead of "blow up"!
    2. I am having my annual dysfunctional family gathering tomorrow. All are welcome!
    3. I'm going to BHE's tonight and we will be getting into the Christmas Spirits!
    4. Cant wait to see you and Ann Marie on Sunday! More Christmas Spirits?

  7. 1. Gotta cook and clean, guests arriving in the am.

    2. Gotta fight the rush and run to Wal-mart for that last minute gift.

    3. Going to see my neice and Great-neice at my brother's house this afternoon.

    I think I have a full day today and tomorrow. Have a Merry Christmas, Janice and all of your family, Love you guys.

  8. Happy Birthday to CBMother .. and many many more!

    I want a photo of those blow up decorations

    I worked half a day this week and half of that half day was spent watching a TV show online at my office desk .. before going to get my hairs cut

    Since I was in midtown, I walked, okay I fought my way through crowds of insane shoppers swimming upstream as I tried to swim down.... really it was like those lemmings or salmon ... whatever .. I did get shots of the Rockefeller Ctr Christmas Tree which is lit with halogen light .. so during the day it looks like a giant tree and you wonder what are those things on it .. sigh .. I guess at night it looks wonderful ...don't expect any nite shots of it

    I have to go to Apple store - and to movie theatre to get gift cards . why? Because the two people these are for refused to give me any idea prior to late last nite of what they wanted so after being threatened with lumps of coal in the socks they had on ..

    Merry Christmas to the whole extended CBFamily!!!!

    WV: backybe .. snorffffffff

  9. 1. I just threw all my gifts in tissue paper and bags. YAY!
    2. Ate some toll house cookies for breakfast.
    3. Am contemplating a Bloody Mary at noon for surviving the past week.

    Merry Christmas CBW family and friends!

  10. 1. I love making my own Christmas cards on the computer.
    2. I am wearing fuzzy pink slippers while I type this.
    3. Sometimes I want to hurl my computer out the window!

    Merry Christmas!

  11. 1. Happy Birthday CBW mom!

    2. I am glad today is Chrismas Eve, because that means tomorrow is Christmas and then it just won't matter what is left to be done, because it will be just too late.

    3. Both kids are sick- Boo!

    Merry Christmas CBW!

    ps- wv: scrify... I'm sure everything tomorrow will be just "scrify"

  12. Merry Christmas to you.

    My 3 things are to wish you joy--fun celebrating the CBM birthday and the little baby Jesus birthday--and of course libations.

  13. A happy holiday to CBW and all of your readers.

  14. 1. Happiest of Birthdays to Chesapeake Bay Mother!
    2. Thank goodness for kids that put decorations up.
    3. Why don't I live closer... I'd come fix your computer
    4. Thanks for being so wonderful! Thanks to you and Blog Fest, I have so many friends to be thankful for!
    5. Enjoy your holiday!

  15. ...Hello Miss CBW! Merry Christmas! :o)

    ...Here's my three:
    1)It's rainy and cold here and I'm lovin' it.
    2)I'm getting dishes ready to take to our dyfunctional family Christmas tomorrow.
    3)Had a delightful time grocery shopping this morning at our local Wal-Mutant because it was 5 am when I got there.*giggle*

    ...Here's wishing CBMom a very Happy Birthday and many, many more!

    ...And last but not least I want to wish CBW and her family a wonderful Christmas and a New Year filled with laughter and love! And a new computer... ;o)

    ...Love ya girl! Blessings too...

  16. Yeah, I did a double-take when I read "blow up" - I was thinking that perhaps a dubious daisy-chain of extension cords resulted in sparks a-flyin'. Glad that's not the case.

    My three things:
    1) two parts Godiva white chocolate liqueur
    2) one part peppermint schnapps
    3) one part vodka

    Shake with ice and serve in a martini glass rimmed with crushed candy canes.

    4) REPEAT.

    Merry Christmas, CBW!

  17. Happy Birthday to Chesapeake Bay Mother! Sounds like a plethora of festivities in your neck of the woods!

    My three things...

    1. It's not your computer. You live in the land of No-Tech-Allowed! (only because I had no phone or internet service while in Mathews! LOL

    2.I still don't understand that commercial with the man on his laptop, standing in a swamp in the rain forest announcing he found the internet .

    3. The family flew the coop for California leaving me and JJ to fend for ourselves in the SNOW!

  18. 1. Like many other upstanding religious types, I will be partaking in the Christmas Eve ritual of movie-going. Avatar, anyone?

    2. I am eating crap food, and can't stop myself. I need a Cheesie intervention. Get this going, please.

    3. Heads up - I will be posting a fine piece of prose on craigslist, eloquently trying to offload all of the girly bits of mine that are giving me such a pain in the hoo hoo.

    4. Is it wrong to ask Santa for a hysterectomy when you're Jewish? The boundaries are so blurred nowadays.

    5. Have a joyous holiday, dear Blister O'Mine! And warm birthday wishes to CBM. Big hugs all around.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.